Social Media

How to Use TikTok For Business in 2024

Next in our public relations on social media series we will explore, TikTok. The platform has emerged as a powerful social media network that transcends entertainment and has become a potential game-changer for businesses. From captivating short-form videos to viral challenges, TikTok offers a unique opportunity for companies to connect with their audience in a creative and engaging way. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and businesses must navigate the benefits and pitfalls of TikTok strategically. Today, we’ll delve into the advantages, potential risks, and crucial considerations for businesses looking to harness the potential of TikTok in 2024.

The Benefits of TikTok for Business in 2024:

1. Audience Engagement:

   TikTok’s algorithm is supposedly designed to showcase content that resonates with users, providing an opportunity for businesses to capture the attention of their target audience. The platform’s emphasis on creativity allows brands to showcase their personality and connect with users on a more personal level. Customers and clients appreciate authenticity and TikTok provides a great way for an organization to show off that personality.

2. How to go Viral on TikTok in 2024:

   TikTok has a reputation for turning ordinary content into viral sensations overnight. A well-crafted video or challenge can exponentially increase brand visibility and reach, attracting a massive audience and potential customers. Be authentic, and showcase your brand’s personality, and the algorithm might favor you, and allow your video to go viral.

3. Using TikTok to Reach Demographic Diversity:

   TikTok’s user base spans across various age groups, and across genders, and socio-economic groups offering businesses the chance to connect with a more diverse audience. Whether your target demographic is Gen Z or an older demographic, TikTok’s broad appeal can be a valuable asset for any business.

4. Cost-Effective Marketing on TikTok in 2024:

   Compared to some traditional advertising methods, TikTok provides a cost-effective way for businesses to promote their products or services. The platform’s advertising options, such as sponsored challenges and branded content, enable businesses to reach a vast audience without breaking the bank. Be inventive and creative, it shows authenticity.

The Dangers of TikTok for Business in 2024:

1. Public Relations Risks for Businesses Using TikTok:

   TikTok, like any social media platform, carries the risk of negative publicity. When a PR issue happens on social media, it happens in rapid time, often ballooning into a full-blown crisis for organizations, before they even fully comprehend what has happened. Businesses must be extremely cautious about potential backlash, especially in a landscape where public opinion can shift rapidly. Poorly received content or misguided attempts at viral marketing can harm a brand’s reputation or even ruin a business.

2. Algorithmic Uncertainty:

   TikTok’s algorithm, like other social media platforms can be unpredictable, making it challenging for businesses to guarantee consistent visibility. While some content may go viral effortlessly, others may struggle to gain traction. This uncertainty necessitates a flexible and adaptive approach to content creation. Do not expect to go viral right away, if ever, even if you have the best content.

4. Competitive Landscape:

   With the platform’s popularity, competition is fierce, ever-changing and global. Standing out amidst the vast array of content requires creativity and a deep understanding of your target audience aka ideal clients. Businesses must continuously innovate to maintain relevance and outshine competitors.

Considerations Before Launching Your Business on TikTok:

1. Define Your Brand Voice:

   Establish a clear and authentic brand voice that aligns with your target audience (ideal clients). It is important to know your brand voice before you start on social media. A shift in your brand voice can be damaging to your business and will cause regular engagers of your content to flee. TikTok users appreciate genuine content that feels relatable, so maintaining authenticity is key to building trust.

2. Understand TikTok Culture:

   Familiarize yourself with TikTok trends, challenges, and user behavior. Do your research on and off of the platform. Find competitors that you think are using the platform well and ask, what are they doing well and how can your brand learn from what they’re doing, innovate and create something unique to your brand. Do your homework, do not skip on research!

3. Plan for Contingencies:

   Anticipate potential PR crises and have a crisis management plan in place. Proactively address any negative feedback or misunderstandings to mitigate potential damage to your brand’s reputation. This means you must monitor your social media channels at all times to stay ahead of any potential disasters. Remember never act out of anger, impulse or fear on social media. Online content lives forever, so if you do incur a social media crisis, follow your plan or consult a crisis management agency, such as South Shore PR.

4. Consistent Monitoring and Analytics:

Regularly monitor the performance of your content and adjust your strategy based on analytics (data). Understand what works and what doesn’t to refine your approach and maintain a positive public image. This is so important, to tell if your efforts are gaining the return you seek.

In conclusion, TikTok presents a unique opportunity for businesses to connect with a vast and diverse audience. However, success on this platform requires careful consideration, strategic planning, a deep understanding of both TikTok’s culture, and your brand’s identity. Also keep in mind, that just because this platform is popular, it may not be the right fit for your organization. By navigating the benefits and risks with a public relations mindset, businesses can harness the power of TikTok to elevate their brand and engage with their audience in innovative ways.

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Unlocking Success: Understanding the Power of Public Relations (PR)

In today’s business world, the term “Public Relations” (PR) has become increasingly necessary to the success of organizations across various industries. Whether you’re a budding startup, a nonprofit organization, a mom-and-pop business, or an established enterprise, grasping the fundamentals of PR is crucial for enhancing your brand image, fostering positive relationships, and navigating through the ever-evolving and complex media landscape. Today, we will delve into the world of PR, exploring its functions, significance, and the outcomes that can be achieved when executed effectively.

What is Public Relations?

The most basic definition can be boiled down to this: Public Relations is a strategic communication process that builds and maintains positive relationships between an organization and its target audience. It often encompasses various activities designed to create a favorable public image, enhance brand reputation, and establish strong stakeholder connections.

Functions of Public Relations:

  1. Media Relations: PR professionals either work on your behalf or guide organizations to engage with various media outlets to secure positive media coverage for the organization. This involves crafting compelling press releases and building relationships with journalists to ensure accurate and favorable reporting.
  2. Crisis Communication: PR is critical in managing crises and mitigating potential damage to an organization’s reputation. Effective crisis communication involves swift responses, transparency, and a well-defined strategy.
  3. Marketing Integration: PR and marketing, like peanut butter and jelly, go hand in hand. Combining efforts in marketing and PR creates a cohesive strategy that amplifies brand messaging, reaching a broader audience through diverse channels. When PR tactics are added to marketing campaigns, it’s like adding gasoline to a fire; it burns twice as bright and more intensely.
  4. Social Media Management: Social media is the new version of the town square, and if you aren’t engaging in it, you will miss out on your ideal customers finding you, and you won’t have a voice in the conversation. Social media is a powerful platform for communication that should be utilized. PR professionals leverage social media to engage with the public, address concerns, promote positive narratives, and quell adverse outcomes.
  5. Community Relations: Building strong ties with the community is essential for any organization. PR helps create and maintain a positive relationship between your organization and the community it serves.

Outcomes of Well-Executed PR:

When PR is done well, organizations can experience the benefits of many long-lasting positive outcomes:

  1. Enhanced Credibility: A well-crafted PR strategy establishes credibility and trust among the target audience, fostering positive perceptions of your organization. Credibility is more important now than ever, and if you aren’t taking steps to enhance your credibility, then you are damaging it.
  2. Positive Public Image: Successful PR efforts contribute to building a positive public image, which can attract customers, investors, and partners.
  3. Effective Crisis Management: Skilled PR professionals with crisis management experience will guide organizations through crises, ensuring they emerge stronger and more resilient and rehabilitate the organization’s image.
  4. Increased Brand Visibility: PR enhances brand visibility through carefully curated media coverage and strategic communication, ensuring that organizations remain top-of-mind for their audience.
  5. Stronger Stakeholder Relationships: PR’s primary function is to build and maintain relationships with stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, and the community, creating a network of support for your organization to thrive.

Why Your Organization Needs PR ASAP:

In today’s media-rich environment, PR is not a luxury but a necessity, serving as a catalyst for success, enabling organizations to effectively communicate their messages, manage crises, and foster positive relationships. Integrating PR into your overall business strategy is crucial for staying relevant and resilient as the digital landscape evolves. Instead of leaving your organization’s reputation to chance or only using marketing to share your mission, partner with a skilled PR agency to communicate the messages that mean the most and reach the customers you truly want.

In conclusion, Public Relations is a dynamic and indispensable component of modern, healthy business strategy. Whether through media relations, crisis communication, or community engagement, the impact of well-executed PR extends far beyond traditional communication’s confines. Embrace the power of PR and unlock the full potential of your organization in the eyes of the public.

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Using social media in 2024?

So many social media platforms, and so little time, different audiences for each and video, where is one to start? It is easy to see why social media can be overwhelming for someone who may not be familiar with the possibilities social media provides for organizations both big and small. For others, who are social media masters, are you sure you are using the right platform to reach your ideal client in 2024? In 2024 what social media platforms should your business focus on? Over the next few weeks, we are going to look at some of the most popular social media platforms, their pros, cons and how to best practices using social media.

Today we want to help demystify some of the social media madness with a few key pieces of information and the things you need to know before your organization jumps in the social media ocean.

Know Your Ideal Customer/ Client:

Before you jump on the newest virial craze, (think ice bucket challenge, photo memes) take a pause. This is the most important thing we can share about the use of social media or any sort of marketing or communications best practices: know your audience.  Before you commit one single dollar to marketing or PR you have to know who, you want to reach. Who is your organization’s ideal customer? Without doing this, you stand a good chance of missing the mark completely, and will be left with a lighter wallet, and not much to show for it.

There are lots of ways to figure out who your ideal client is. One of the best things any organization can do is learn who this client is. Know them well, know their habits and reevaluate your ideal client at least once a year. There are tons of free online resources out there that can guide you through how to do this. It might seem unimportant, but don’t be fooled, knowing your ideal client is the most important part of your social media strategy in 2024.

Meet Your Ideal Client Where They’re At:

Once you have the persona or personas of your ideal client, now know have more direction on who you want to reach. Age, gender, geographic location, disposable income, number of children they may have, all of these things matter and should dictate how and where you put your social media efforts in 2024. You have to think like your ideal client, where are they spending their time online?

Each social media platform caters to an age range, demographic, segment of industry, and so much more. For example, we know that spending money on Facebook makes sense if you are generally trying to reach an older crowd that is local, as opposed to a business trying to sell services to another business. Where you communicate matters, make sure you are meeting your ideal clients where they are, not on the social network you think is cool.

Talk To Them in a Way They’ll Understand:

Just as each platform is different, and will cater to a different demographic, so should your message. When strategizing for your social media plans in 2024 it is so important to keep this in mind. Platforms such as Tick-toc and Instagram are image/ video based whereas Threads, Twitter and LinkedIn rely more on text and links. If you are speaking across multiple platforms this is not a spot where one size fits all. You will have to edit your message to “fit” the platform.

Don’t Loose You:

Social media can move quickly especially with trends, memes, and viral videos. It is important to know your brand and your voice as an organization. So many times, we see even the largest companies throw their hat into the viral trend only to have it backfire horribly. In most cases the organizations that jump on the bandwagon quickly to catch a viral moment and fail miserably have strayed far from their brand voice.

If you aren’t sure what your brand voice is, write down some characteristics about your organization. Ask yourself before you post if your post aligns with those ideals or characteristics. If the post doesn’t align, don’t do it. You’ll confuse your ideal client or cause them to unfollow you all together.

Spend Cautiously:

Not all dollars are created equally in the social media world. If you are just starting out on social media or are branching out for the first time, spend cautiously. Some would argue that it is better to spend money when you have a more established following, while others will argue that spending can attract a larger audience. In our opinion this is a bit like the chicken and the egg argument.

The bottom line is, think of your next year. Do you have any events or special promotions that you want your ideal clients to know about? If you answered yes, then put your dollars around that event. Make sure if you are going to spend some money on social media to target your ideal customer, keep their persona in mind. Reaching thousands of people is only great if they are your ideal customers otherwise you are wasting your hard-earned money.

A Few Closing Thoughts:

If this all seems a bit overwhelming or you still aren’t sure how to find your ideal client, or what platform to focus on, we are always here to help.

If you are determined and are willing to take the time and effort it will take to meet your ideal client, then there is one more piece of advice be consistent in your messaging and your efforts. Set a posting schedule and stick to it. As your ideal client begins to see your posts, they may soon look forward to them. Posting consistently also adds credibility to your organization. It shows that you reaching out to them is important and therefore the client feels valued in a small way.

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The Pitfalls of Relying on AI for PR: A Cautionary Tale

This past year, I sat on a national roundtable discussing using artificial intelligence in communications practice with fellow public relations professionals through the Public Relations Society of America. The discussion focused on the pros and cons of PR professionals embracing this exciting new technology. While I personally believe that the communications professionals who master the use of AI will be more successful in the long run, I do fully recognize that there are dire and potentially catastrophic consequences for organizations relying solely on AI for their communication needs.  

As a public relations professional, I believe that the emergence of AI is a lot like the early days of social media. Companies and individuals who mastered social media early on came out much further ahead in the long run. The truth is, like social media, AI is not going anywhere.

With that being said, AI is not the silver bullet for effective public relations, and its pitfalls are far too dangerous to be ignored. If your PR plan for 2024 is to rely solely on AI, I strongly suggest you think again. Here are the following ways that AI falls disastrously short when it comes to PR.

The Lack of Emotional Intelligence

One of the fundamental flaws in relying on AI for PR is its inherent inability to understand human emotions. PR is not just about disseminating information; it’s about connecting with audiences emotionally. The best PR pros know how to read a room, and AI lacks the capacity to comprehend the nuances of human emotion, making it ill-equipped to navigate delicate situations that require empathy, understanding, and a human touch. Press releases, crisis management, and brand reputation are all areas where emotional intelligence plays a pivotal role, something AI sorely lacks. The real danger here is that once a blog post, press release, or social media statement is published, it lives online forever.

The Absence of Reason and Context:

AI operates on algorithms and patterns devoid of genuine reasoning abilities. It cannot grasp the subtleties of context and interpret the intricacies of human interactions. Effective PR involves:

  • Making judgment calls.
  • Adapting strategies based on real-time feedback.
  • Understanding the broader context of industry trends and public sentiment.

Relying solely on AI strips away the critical thinking necessary for strategic decision-making in the PR realm.

The Risk of Misinterpretation and Miscommunication:

AI, despite its advancements, remains susceptible to misinterpreting data and context. It may not discern sarcasm, humor, or the underlying tone in communications. This inherent limitation can lead to disastrous consequences in PR, where a misinterpreted message can quickly escalate into a full-blown crisis. Human intuition and discernment are essential in navigating the complex landscape of public perception – aspects that AI simply cannot replicate.

The Danger of Bias and Unintended Consequences:

AI systems are trained on historical data, which may contain biases that inadvertently perpetuate stereotypes and misconceptions. In the PR world, where reputation is everything, the unintended consequences of biased AI could tarnish a brand’s image irreparably. Human oversight and ethical considerations are vital in ensuring PR strategies do not inadvertently contribute to a negative narrative or exacerbate existing biases.

The Importance of Human Touch:

While AI can undoubtedly assist in data analysis and automation of routine tasks, it cannot replace human PR professionals’ creativity, intuition, and personal touch. Building relationships, understanding cultural nuances, and responding to dynamic situations require a level of adaptability and finesse that AI simply cannot replicate.

In conclusion, while AI has its merits and can be valuable in the PR toolkit, relying solely on it poses significant and irrevocable risks. The lack of emotional intelligence and reasoning abilities and the potential for biased outcomes make it a precarious choice for the delicate nature of public relations. When used responsibly and with significant human intervention, AI can be a powerful, time-saving, thought-provoking tool and one that everyone should take the time to learn how to master.

At South Shore PR, we firmly believe that the human touch, with its capacity for empathy, nuanced understanding, and strategic thinking, remains irreplaceable in navigating the intricacies of the ever-evolving PR landscape.

Full Disclosure: 

This article was written using AI software for creation and editing. That said, I went back through the article AI created and edited it heavily, using the initial article more as a framework. I share this fact to show how AI should be used. Had any statistical data been shared, I would’ve sought out alternate sources to verify and cite them in this article. The point is AI should never be fully trusted when speaking publicly for your brand. 

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Small Business Saturday 2023 Sale!

Elevate Your Business with South Shore PR Agency’s Small Business Saturday Sale

Greetings, Northwest Indiana entrepreneurs! South Shore PR is thrilled to announce our exclusive Small Business Saturday Sale, designed to empower and elevate your small businesses right here in our vibrant community.

At South Shore PR, we understand the heart and soul of Northwest Indiana is its small businesses. These enterprises are the lifeblood of our community, contributing not only to our economic vitality but also shaping the unique character of our neighborhoods. Small Business Saturday is not just a shopping day; it’s a celebration of the dreams, hard work, and dedication poured into every local establishment.

This Small Business Saturday, South Shore PR Agency is rolling out a red carpet of opportunities tailored to fuel your business growth. To sign up for any of these once a year deals, use the contact form below:

1. Discounted Initial Consultations: Unlock the Power of PR for Your Small Business!

Special Small Business Saturday Offer: 50% off your first consultation. Let’s craft a personalized PR strategy to elevate your brand!

Embark on your journey to success with a personalized touch. We are ready to delve into the unique aspects of your business, ensuring a tailored approach to boost your brand’s visibility and resonance in the market.

2. Package Deals: Small Business Saturday Exclusive – Boost Your Brand with our PR Package!

Sign up today and receive a discounted rate on a comprehensive PR plan, including media outreach, social media strategy, and more!

Experience the full spectrum of our PR expertise with a comprehensive package designed to amplify your brand across various channels. From media outreach to a customized social media strategy, we’ve got your brand covered.

3. Bundle Services: Celebrate Small Business Saturday with a PR Makeover!

Combine our services for a special bundled rate – press releases, social media management, and personalized consultations, all in one package!

Transform your brand’s narrative with our bundled services. We will craft compelling press releases, manage your social media presence seamlessly, and engage in personalized consultations to ensure every aspect of your PR strategy aligns with your business goals.

4. Referral Discounts: Spread the Word, Boost Your Business!

Refer a fellow small business owner on Small Business Saturday, and both of you receive a discount on our PR services. Let’s grow together!

Empower your network and watch your business flourish. Share the benefits of our PR services with fellow entrepreneurs, and both of you will enjoy exclusive discounts. It’s a win-win that strengthens both businesses and the community.

These are Limited-Time Offers: Act Fast! Small Business Saturday Flash Sale is only valid until Saturday, December 2, 2023.

Limited slots available for discounted PR consultations. Elevate your brand’s visibility and make a lasting impact. Reserve your spot now!

Time is of the essence! Don’t miss the opportunity to secure a spot in our Small Business Saturday Flash Sale. All you need to do is reach out through our contact form below, and mention Small Business Saturday.

At South Shore PR Agency, we believe in the power of local businesses to shape a community. This Small Business Saturday, let’s join hands to unlock the full potential of your brand. Reserve your slot today and embark on a journey towards unprecedented success!

Elevate. Celebrate. Succeed. South Shore PR Agency is here to make it happen for you.

Sign-up Today to Secure The Best Prices on PR of the Year!

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