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South Shore PR Presents: 10 Essential PR Tips for Small Businesses & Nonprofits in Fall 2024

As step over the threshold of autumn of 2024, the public relations landscape continues to evolve at a rapid pace. For small businesses and nonprofits, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for maintaining a strong brand presence and connecting with your audience. Here are ten essential PR tips to help your organization thrive in the coming season and beyond

1. Look at this Past Year’s Efforts

As the last quarter of the year kicks off, now is the time to be thinking forward to next year. This is the perfect time to take a look back over your communications efforts over the past year. Did a campaign surpass your expectations, or was it a dud? Look at what worked, what didn’t and why? Knowing what resonated with your audiences is so important to spending your marketing and PR dollars wisely.

2. Prioritize Sustainability Messaging

Consumer priorities continue to shift and corporate responsibility continues to rank higher in areas of importance when consumers are asked how, where and why the spend where they do. In a 2023 study from the Annenberg School of Communications at the University of Southern California, organizations’ CSR (including eco-measures) were earmarked as a leading cause of why people choose one company over another to spend their money. The study also said this trend will continue to grow over the next 5-10 years. Consumers are increasingly supporting businesses that prioritize environmental responsibility. If you haven’t already, consider implementing and communicating about your sustainable practices – it’s good for the planet and your brand image.

3. Tell Your Brand’s Story

Marketing messages are EVERYWHERE, truly authentic storytelling cuts through the noise and resonates with current audiences and audiences you want to harness. Focus on crafting a compelling narrative about your business’s history, values, and mission. People connect with stories, not just products or services. Share the passion behind your brand, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the vision that drives you forward. People will buy your story before they buy your product.

4. Master Short-Form Video Content

Platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels continue to dominate the social media landscape. Create engaging, short-form video content to showcase your brand personality and products. Don’t be afraid to get creative – behind-the-scenes glimpses, quick tips related to your industry, or day-in-the-life content can all help humanize your brand and increase engagement. Just make sure any content you create is in line with your tone, voice and cadence of your brand, don’t try to be something you aren’t, you risk alienating your customers if you do.

5. Consistently Engage with Your Audience

Regular interaction with your customers is key to building and maintaining strong relationships. Utilize social media, email newsletters, and in-person events to keep the lines of communication open. Respond promptly to comments and messages, and create opportunities for two-way dialogue. Consistent communication builds trust and loyalty. Remember almost no one wants to be in a one-sided conversation.

6. Cultivate Authentic Community Engagement

Look beyond your immediate customer base and focus on building genuine connections within your local community. Participate in local events, sponsor community initiatives, and engage meaningfully on community forums. This not only enhances your brand’s reputation but also creates a network of support that can be invaluable for small businesses. This is a form of CSR (Point #2) and this is important! Most customers will want to support an organization that supports their community.

7. Develop a Clear, Consistent Brand Message

At the heart of effective PR lies a clear and consistent brand message. This is a concise statement that encapsulates what your business stands for and what makes it unique. Think of it as the core idea you want people to associate with your brand. You have to know it, and be passionate about you unique selling point.

8. Examine and Understand Your Audiences

Regularly analyzing your target audiences is crucial for effective PR. Dive deep into understanding their demographics, preferences, and behaviors. Use this information to tailor your messaging and outreach strategies. Remember, your audience may evolve over time, so make this an ongoing process. Once a year do an audience audit, and don’t forget to count internal audiences too!

9. Leverage Customer Testimonials

Word-of-mouth remains one of the most powerful forms of marketing. Encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences with your products or services. Authentic reviews and testimonials can be powerful tools for building credibility and attracting new customers. Consider featuring these prominently on your website and social media channels.

10. Develop a Crisis Communication Plan for Digital Threats

You most likely have some insurance for your business, but do you have plans in place for when things go wrong online? Having a solid plan in place to address potential data breaches or social media firestorms promptly and transparently. Quick, honest, and clear communication during a crisis can help maintain trust and minimize damage to your brand’s reputation.

Remember, the key to successful PR is to stay adaptable and authentic. By implementing these strategies and consistently working to connect with your audience, your small business can build a strong, positive presence in your community and industry.

What PR strategies have worked best for your organization in 2024? We’d love to hear your experiences in the comments below!

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How to Use TikTok For Business in 2024

Next in our public relations on social media series we will explore, TikTok. The platform has emerged as a powerful social media network that transcends entertainment and has become a potential game-changer for businesses. From captivating short-form videos to viral challenges, TikTok offers a unique opportunity for companies to connect with their audience in a creative and engaging way. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and businesses must navigate the benefits and pitfalls of TikTok strategically. Today, we’ll delve into the advantages, potential risks, and crucial considerations for businesses looking to harness the potential of TikTok in 2024.

The Benefits of TikTok for Business in 2024:

1. Audience Engagement:

   TikTok’s algorithm is supposedly designed to showcase content that resonates with users, providing an opportunity for businesses to capture the attention of their target audience. The platform’s emphasis on creativity allows brands to showcase their personality and connect with users on a more personal level. Customers and clients appreciate authenticity and TikTok provides a great way for an organization to show off that personality.

2. How to go Viral on TikTok in 2024:

   TikTok has a reputation for turning ordinary content into viral sensations overnight. A well-crafted video or challenge can exponentially increase brand visibility and reach, attracting a massive audience and potential customers. Be authentic, and showcase your brand’s personality, and the algorithm might favor you, and allow your video to go viral.

3. Using TikTok to Reach Demographic Diversity:

   TikTok’s user base spans across various age groups, and across genders, and socio-economic groups offering businesses the chance to connect with a more diverse audience. Whether your target demographic is Gen Z or an older demographic, TikTok’s broad appeal can be a valuable asset for any business.

4. Cost-Effective Marketing on TikTok in 2024:

   Compared to some traditional advertising methods, TikTok provides a cost-effective way for businesses to promote their products or services. The platform’s advertising options, such as sponsored challenges and branded content, enable businesses to reach a vast audience without breaking the bank. Be inventive and creative, it shows authenticity.

The Dangers of TikTok for Business in 2024:

1. Public Relations Risks for Businesses Using TikTok:

   TikTok, like any social media platform, carries the risk of negative publicity. When a PR issue happens on social media, it happens in rapid time, often ballooning into a full-blown crisis for organizations, before they even fully comprehend what has happened. Businesses must be extremely cautious about potential backlash, especially in a landscape where public opinion can shift rapidly. Poorly received content or misguided attempts at viral marketing can harm a brand’s reputation or even ruin a business.

2. Algorithmic Uncertainty:

   TikTok’s algorithm, like other social media platforms can be unpredictable, making it challenging for businesses to guarantee consistent visibility. While some content may go viral effortlessly, others may struggle to gain traction. This uncertainty necessitates a flexible and adaptive approach to content creation. Do not expect to go viral right away, if ever, even if you have the best content.

4. Competitive Landscape:

   With the platform’s popularity, competition is fierce, ever-changing and global. Standing out amidst the vast array of content requires creativity and a deep understanding of your target audience aka ideal clients. Businesses must continuously innovate to maintain relevance and outshine competitors.

Considerations Before Launching Your Business on TikTok:

1. Define Your Brand Voice:

   Establish a clear and authentic brand voice that aligns with your target audience (ideal clients). It is important to know your brand voice before you start on social media. A shift in your brand voice can be damaging to your business and will cause regular engagers of your content to flee. TikTok users appreciate genuine content that feels relatable, so maintaining authenticity is key to building trust.

2. Understand TikTok Culture:

   Familiarize yourself with TikTok trends, challenges, and user behavior. Do your research on and off of the platform. Find competitors that you think are using the platform well and ask, what are they doing well and how can your brand learn from what they’re doing, innovate and create something unique to your brand. Do your homework, do not skip on research!

3. Plan for Contingencies:

   Anticipate potential PR crises and have a crisis management plan in place. Proactively address any negative feedback or misunderstandings to mitigate potential damage to your brand’s reputation. This means you must monitor your social media channels at all times to stay ahead of any potential disasters. Remember never act out of anger, impulse or fear on social media. Online content lives forever, so if you do incur a social media crisis, follow your plan or consult a crisis management agency, such as South Shore PR.

4. Consistent Monitoring and Analytics:

Regularly monitor the performance of your content and adjust your strategy based on analytics (data). Understand what works and what doesn’t to refine your approach and maintain a positive public image. This is so important, to tell if your efforts are gaining the return you seek.

In conclusion, TikTok presents a unique opportunity for businesses to connect with a vast and diverse audience. However, success on this platform requires careful consideration, strategic planning, a deep understanding of both TikTok’s culture, and your brand’s identity. Also keep in mind, that just because this platform is popular, it may not be the right fit for your organization. By navigating the benefits and risks with a public relations mindset, businesses can harness the power of TikTok to elevate their brand and engage with their audience in innovative ways.

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Navigating Facebook 101: How to Get Your Organization Started

Facebook might seem like it’s no longer relevant when it comes to social media for business and while it is true not all social media platforms are right for every business, Facebook can be a powerful tool in any organization’s social media tool kit. Today we want to give an overview of Facebook for business. This is by no means a comprehensive lesson and there are lots of nuisances when it comes to using social media for your organization so, please read carefully and make sure that any advice taken from this post “fits” your organization’s goals for social media and communications efforts.

So let’s break it down, who uses Facebook these days, what sort of content (posts) should you be putting up on Facebook, why a Facebook page is not a subustitue for a website, and some cautionary tales.

If you are reading the South Shore PR’s Guide to social media in 2024 blog series, our first blog post talked all about strategy before you get started or push forward in your social media efforts. You can read the post here. The key takeaway from that post is know your ideal client. If you don’t take the time to learn who your ideal client is and you’re jumping head first into social media, you will waste a lot of money and time with little return.

Who Uses Facebook:

With over 2.9 billion monthly active users as December 2022, Facebook remains a giant in the social media landscape. Understanding the demographics of Facebook can help you reach your ideal client where they are online.

  • Age: While Facebook’s user base spans various age groups, it has a substantial presence among adults, with the majority falling between the ages of 18 and 49. However, older demographics, particularly individuals aged 50 and above, are increasingly active on the platform.
  • Lead demographic users of FB in 2023 were people aged 35-44, while younger generations have little interest in Facebook
  • FB accounted for a quarter of all time U.S. adults spent on social media in 2022.
  • Multiple Platform Users: 72% of Facebook users also use multiple social media platforms

(Facts pulled from Hootsuite’s 2022 Social Media Report)

Content Strategies for Facebook:

Creating engaging and relevant content is key to success on Facebook. Here are some content strategies to consider:

  • Visual Appeal: Visual content tends to perform exceptionally well on Facebook. Incorporate eye-catching images, infographics, and videos to capture the audience’s attention as they scroll through their feeds.
  • Interactive Content: Encourage engagement (your ideal client’s interaction) by incorporating polls, quizzes, and contests. Facebook’s algorithm favors content that sparks meaningful interactions among users.
  • Behind-the-Scenes and Personalization: Humanize your brand by sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business, introducing team members, and showcasing the personalities behind your products or services. Authenticity is key here.

Facebook Page vs. Website:

While a Facebook page is an essential component of a robust online presence, it is not a substitute for a dedicated website. Here’s why:

  • Facebook owns Your Organization’s Page: When you create or purchase a website your organization owns it. Remember Facebook is a business, and their goal is to turn a profit meaning they can limit your reach, content or even turn your page off if they wish. When you own your website, you are in control of this online presence.
  • Professionalism and Credibility: While a Facebook page is extremely valuable for social proof and interaction, a dedicated website gives the impression of credibility and professionalism to a business.

Drawbacks of Using Facebook for Business:

While Facebook offers numerous benefits, businesses should be aware of potential drawbacks, because they are significant:

  • Pay for Play: Organic reach (non-paid posts) on Facebook has declined over the years, prompting businesses to invest in paid advertising to ensure their content reaches a broader audience.
  • Negative Reviews and Comments: Positive reviews of your business, organization, goods and services can be one of the best parts of Facebook. However, negative reviews and comments are part of the online landscape. Handling them promptly and professionally is crucial to maintaining a positive brand image.
  • Algorithm Changes: Facebook frequently updates its algorithm, impacting the visibility of organic content. Businesses need to stay agile and adapt their strategies accordingly.

Facebook remains a relevant platform for organizations to connect with their audience, build brand awareness, and drive engagement. By understanding your ideal client, user demographics, creating compelling content, recognizing the distinction between a Facebook page and a website, as well as being aware of potential drawbacks, your organization can navigate the Facebook landscape strategically and harness its power for sustained success in the digital era. While this is a very broad overview of Facebook, South Shore PR can help you develop and execute your organization’s social media strategy.

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What to do When Bad Reviews Happen to Good Business: How to Master your Online Reputation

Last week we shared a series of articles on the importance of online reviews for your business or organization. We also looked at a few practical steps that most businesses and organizations can follow to turn those reviews into increased revenue. Continuing on our topic of online reviews, we want to look at what happens when there is a negative review online for your business or organization. At South Shore Public Relations, we believe that every review, good or bad, presents an opportunity to learn, grow, and demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to properly handle negative online reviews and turn them into positive experiences for both your brand and your customers.

Stay Calm and Professional:

The most important tip when dealing with negative online reviews is to remain calm and professional. It can be tough, devastating and demotivating to see negative comments about your business or organization but it’s essential to respond with composure. Take a deep breath, resist the urge to react emotionally, and remember that your response is a reflection of your brand’s professionalism.

Listen and Understand:

Before crafting your response, take the time to fully understand the customer’s complaint. Read the review carefully, paying attention to specific details and concerns raised. This step is crucial as it demonstrates empathy and shows that you genuinely care about addressing the issue. Ask yourself if there is some validity in what was said. As unpleasant as this moment is, it can be an immense learning experience. Do your homework and ask yourself why the customer left so unhappy with your goods or services? Try your best to detach your own emotions from this process, it is difficult but it will make a significant difference in your response.

Respond Promptly:

Timely responses are critical in online reputation management. Acknowledge the review as soon as possible, ideally within 24 hours. A quick response shows that you’re attentive to customer feedback and are committed to resolving issues promptly. However, if you need time to fully understand what went wrong, do not feel rushed to offer a response. Also it is okay, if you need to calm and organize your thoughts before responding. While 24 hours is ideal to respond, take the time you need to ensure your tone and message meets the needs of the situation.

Apologize and Take Responsibility:

A simple, heartfelt apology can go a long way in diffusing a tense situation. Taking responsibility for the customer’s negative experience, even if it wasn’t entirely your fault, shows accountability and a willingness to make amends. At the end of the day, this customer felt that they were wronged in someway by your business or services.

Offer a Solution:

After apologizing, offer a practical solution to address the problem. Ask the customer how you can make things right or offer to resolve the issue in a way that aligns with your brand’s policies and values. This demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction and can turn a negative experience into a positive one.

Monitor and Learn:

Online reputation management is an ongoing process. Continuously monitor reviews on various platforms and learn from both positive and negative feedback. Use the insights gained to improve your products, services, or personal brand.

Seek Professional Help:

If managing your online reputation becomes overwhelming, consider seeking the assistance of a professional reputation management firm like South Shore Public Relations. We are experts in this field can help develop strategies to mitigate negative reviews and enhance your online image.

In conclusion, negative online reviews are a reality of the digital landscape, but they can be turned into opportunities for growth and improvement. By staying calm, professional, and proactive in addressing customer concerns, you can effectively manage your online reputation and showcase your commitment to customer satisfaction. Remember, it’s not about avoiding negative reviews but about how you handle them, and what you learn from them that truly matters.

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