Navigating Facebook 101: How to Get Your Organization Started

Facebook might seem like it’s no longer relevant when it comes to social media for business and while it is true not all social media platforms are right for every business, Facebook can be a powerful tool in any organization’s social media tool kit. Today we want to give an overview of Facebook for business. This is by no means a comprehensive lesson and there are lots of nuisances when it comes to using social media for your organization so, please read carefully and make sure that any advice taken from this post “fits” your organization’s goals for social media and communications efforts.

So let’s break it down, who uses Facebook these days, what sort of content (posts) should you be putting up on Facebook, why a Facebook page is not a subustitue for a website, and some cautionary tales.

If you are reading the South Shore PR’s Guide to social media in 2024 blog series, our first blog post talked all about strategy before you get started or push forward in your social media efforts. You can read the post here. The key takeaway from that post is know your ideal client. If you don’t take the time to learn who your ideal client is and you’re jumping head first into social media, you will waste a lot of money and time with little return.

Who Uses Facebook:

With over 2.9 billion monthly active users as December 2022, Facebook remains a giant in the social media landscape. Understanding the demographics of Facebook can help you reach your ideal client where they are online.

  • Age: While Facebook’s user base spans various age groups, it has a substantial presence among adults, with the majority falling between the ages of 18 and 49. However, older demographics, particularly individuals aged 50 and above, are increasingly active on the platform.
  • Lead demographic users of FB in 2023 were people aged 35-44, while younger generations have little interest in Facebook
  • FB accounted for a quarter of all time U.S. adults spent on social media in 2022.
  • Multiple Platform Users: 72% of Facebook users also use multiple social media platforms

(Facts pulled from Hootsuite’s 2022 Social Media Report)

Content Strategies for Facebook:

Creating engaging and relevant content is key to success on Facebook. Here are some content strategies to consider:

  • Visual Appeal: Visual content tends to perform exceptionally well on Facebook. Incorporate eye-catching images, infographics, and videos to capture the audience’s attention as they scroll through their feeds.
  • Interactive Content: Encourage engagement (your ideal client’s interaction) by incorporating polls, quizzes, and contests. Facebook’s algorithm favors content that sparks meaningful interactions among users.
  • Behind-the-Scenes and Personalization: Humanize your brand by sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business, introducing team members, and showcasing the personalities behind your products or services. Authenticity is key here.

Facebook Page vs. Website:

While a Facebook page is an essential component of a robust online presence, it is not a substitute for a dedicated website. Here’s why:

  • Facebook owns Your Organization’s Page: When you create or purchase a website your organization owns it. Remember Facebook is a business, and their goal is to turn a profit meaning they can limit your reach, content or even turn your page off if they wish. When you own your website, you are in control of this online presence.
  • Professionalism and Credibility: While a Facebook page is extremely valuable for social proof and interaction, a dedicated website gives the impression of credibility and professionalism to a business.

Drawbacks of Using Facebook for Business:

While Facebook offers numerous benefits, businesses should be aware of potential drawbacks, because they are significant:

  • Pay for Play: Organic reach (non-paid posts) on Facebook has declined over the years, prompting businesses to invest in paid advertising to ensure their content reaches a broader audience.
  • Negative Reviews and Comments: Positive reviews of your business, organization, goods and services can be one of the best parts of Facebook. However, negative reviews and comments are part of the online landscape. Handling them promptly and professionally is crucial to maintaining a positive brand image.
  • Algorithm Changes: Facebook frequently updates its algorithm, impacting the visibility of organic content. Businesses need to stay agile and adapt their strategies accordingly.

Facebook remains a relevant platform for organizations to connect with their audience, build brand awareness, and drive engagement. By understanding your ideal client, user demographics, creating compelling content, recognizing the distinction between a Facebook page and a website, as well as being aware of potential drawbacks, your organization can navigate the Facebook landscape strategically and harness its power for sustained success in the digital era. While this is a very broad overview of Facebook, South Shore PR can help you develop and execute your organization’s social media strategy.