
PR Demystified Examining the Commonalities and Distinctions in PR Campaigns for Businesses and Nonprofits

What do Fortune 500 Companies and the smallest nonprofits have in common? They both focus all their efforts on serving their key stakeholders, whether clients or customers; the goal is the same. For-profit businesses and nonprofit organizations may seem worlds apart in their goals, yet they share fundamental similarities in building trust and credibility. Today, we will delve into the core differences and common ground between for-profit businesses and nonprofits’ PR strategies and tactics. So, let’s look at some similarities and differences between how these two segments of the industry operate their PR strategies.

While businesses and nonprofits pursue different and even, at times, opposite objectives, both share a common pursuit – establishing trust and credibility while serving their stakeholders. Credibility and trust are indispensable for any organization, forming the bedrock upon which successful relationships with stakeholders are built. Transparent communication, community engagement, and a commitment to corporate social responsibility are avenues through which both entities cultivate positive perceptions. Here are five examples of what the for-profit and nonprofits have in common when it comes to PR strategy:

Building Trust: Both nonprofits and businesses prioritize the establishment of trust with their stakeholders to foster positive relationships.

  1. Credibility Matters: The need for credibility is universal, as both organizations recognize the critical importance of maintaining a positive and trustworthy reputation.
  2. Clear Communication: Honest and transparent communication are shared priorities for both nonprofits and businesses to have meaningful interactions with their key stakeholders.
  3. Community Engagement: Both sectors engage with their key stakeholders, whether for customer loyalty in businesses or garnering unwavering support and donations for nonprofits.
  4. Adaptability in Messaging: While goals differ, the ability to tailor messages to resonate with specific audiences is a commonality across industries, allowing both nonprofits and businesses to share their unique value propositions in a way that resonates with their audiences.

Now that we’ve looked at a few similarities, let’s look at the differences in PR objectives and campaigns. Businesses focus on revenue generation and customer acquisition, emphasizing market positioning and financial success. In contrast, nonprofits prioritize the support they provide to their chosen community group, building and maintaining impactful relationships with the communities they serve and the greater community and aiming to attract donors and support for their social impact initiatives. The most successful PR campaigns understand and leverage these nuances through tailoring strategies that align with the unique goals of each entity.

Let’s take a look at five distinct differences between PR campaigns and strategies for the nonprofit and for-profit industries:

  1. Primary Objectives: For-profit business has one primary function, to generate profit and maximize shareholder value, while nonprofits focus on achieving social impact and working towards alleviating societal issues.
  2. Audience Motivation: Businesses traditionally target consumers driven by purchasing decisions, while nonprofits appeal to individuals motivated by a sense of social responsibility and altruism.
  3. Financial Metrics vs. Social Impact Metrics: Businesses measure success through financial metrics such as ROI, sales, and market share, whereas nonprofits gauge success through social impact metrics like lives touched, communities improved, or awareness raised.
  4. Marketing Advocacy: Businesses often engage in marketing to promote products or services, while nonprofits focus on advocacy, championing social change, and raising awareness for their cause.
  5. Funding Sources: Businesses primarily rely on revenue streams from product or service sales, while nonprofits depend on a combination of donations, grants, and fundraising efforts to sustain their operations and achieve their mission.

For local businesses and nonprofits seeking to navigate the intricate landscape of PR, this can be overwhelming, to say the least. South Shore PR, in cooperation with The Duneland Chamber of Commerce, has designed a class to demystify member businesses and organizations’ unique needs through South Shore PR Bootcamp. Participants gain valuable insights into effective campaign strategies tailored to their needs by emphasizing the commonalities and distinctions between business and nonprofit PR. This course provides the tools, case studies, and industry trends necessary for professionals to bridge the gap between organizational objectives and successful PR outcomes.

Selling Points for the South Shore PR Bootcamp with the Duneland Chamber of Commerce:

  1. Practical Insights: The course delivers real-world insights, offering practical tools that professionals can immediately apply to their PR strategies.
  2. Tailored Approach: Participants learn how to customize their PR efforts, ensuring that strategies align seamlessly with the specific goals of businesses or nonprofits.
  3. Industry-Relevant Knowledge: Taught by South Shore PR President Jackie Thomas, she will share the latest industry trends, ensuring that PR efforts remain cutting-edge and effective in an ever-evolving communication landscape. She brings her successful experience in both the nonprofit and for-profit industries to support your PR goals.

Understanding the similarities and differences between business and nonprofit campaigns is paramount when determining how to make the most of your marketing and PR dollars. In partnership with the Duneland Chamber of Commerce, South Shore PR Bootcamp serves as a beacon for local businesses and nonprofits, offering a roadmap to demystify their PR needs and achieve the desired results. Empowered by practical insights and industry knowledge, professionals can bridge the gap between organizational goals and successful PR outcomes, ensuring lasting positive impact within our communities.

Sign up for PR Bootcamp in Partnership with The Duneland Chamber of Commerce by clicking on the image below. Spaces are limited – Register today!

PR Demystified Examining the Commonalities and Distinctions in PR Campaigns for Businesses and Nonprofits Read More »

What are the Different Types of PR and How Are They Different?

As the premier PR firm in Northwest Indiana, South Shore PR takes pride in being the torchbearer of effective public relations, mastering the art and science that influences opinions, fosters goodwill, builds relationships, and elevates organizations to new heights. Today we want to share some of the different disciplines of public relations and what they focus on.

Public relations, isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to a client’s needs. We like to use the example of a medical professional. While a doctor has a general understanding of the body, some medical professionals specialize in certain areas of the body, such as a neonatologist, psychiatrist, or gerontologist. A public relations professional works in exactly the same way, there is the general knowledge of public relations, but some PR professionals specialize in an area of PR, thus making them more skilled in a particular area of PR. Today we going to look at the six most common disciplines of PR practiced today.

What is Media Relations or Media Relations PR?

South Shore PR Work Examples
Photo Credits (top to bottom) People Magazine, Eyecare Business Magazine, BBC News, and The Today Show

A skilled media relations professional can transform innovation into a global sensation. By strategically pitching the story to the correct influential journalists and media outlets, PR professionals can ensure that the narrative resonates far beyond, ultimately reaching your intended audience. Media relations specializes in working with the media, and often PR professionals that focus on media relations may do so within an industry, such as tech, healthcare or banking. Knowing how to be a great media partner, while being savvy about the angle of the pitch, and when, where and how, will make all the difference in securing great coverage and reaching your intended audience.

What is Crisis Communication PR?

Photo Credit: Sprout Social

Crisis Communication and or reputation management PR is perhaps the most easily recognized, and the most skilled of all PR disciplines. When an organization or individual has run afoul of stakeholders, resulting in a public and potentially damaging reckoning for the instigating party, this is where crisis communications and reputational management come into play. A skilled public relations professional that specializes in this type of PR will come in and mitigate reputational damage, provide guidance for stakeholders, and eventually begin to repair relationships with the general public and any other wronged parties. You can look at some great examples of crisis management here:

What is Government Relations & Public Affairs?

Photo Credit: The Pan American Health Organization

This discipline of PR focuses on building relationships between an organization and government entities for the goal of strategic communication for the greater good, influence and the ability to make a positive impact on stakeholders. Examples of a public affairs professional would be a communications Director for a local police department. Examples of a government relations expert would be a lobbyist or government liaison within an organization. Examples of a public affairs campaign could be the Covid-19 vaccine campaigns, a local area government communicating an upcoming infrastructure project, or an industry lobbying for policy changes at the highest levels.

What is Product Launch PR and Branding?

Photo Credit: Gizmodo via Warner Bros./ Universal

An agency or in-house person or team that specializes creating interest and generating positive coverage for new products or services works in product launch PR, reputational practice and even branding. These individuals are key in developing strategic communication plans, organizing launch events, and securing media coverage for a product unveiling. A great example is of this type of PR is the phenomena known as Barbenheimer at the box office last summer. The two films combined as two distinct, yet cooperative marketing campaigns created box office gold in the summer of 2023. Read more about this magic here.

What are Consumer Relations?

Photo Credit: Time Magazine via Dove/RaiseTheBeautyBar

This area of public relations is very similar to customer service, however, the focus here is to protect and enhance an organization’s reputation while building a robust and positive relationship with stakeholders to enhance brand loyalty. Examples of this type of PR would be managing customer feedback on public forums, addressing concerns, and promoting positive customer experiences through various communication channels.

One of the most significant examples was Dove’s Real Beauty Campaign. You can read all about it here.  

What is Integrated PR?

Photo Credit: Apple

Integrated is where public relations concepts and tactics are combined with marketing campaigns and exercises. This is the most powerful way for any organization to create their brand, tell their story, and build long-lasting, loyal relationships with their customers. A great, recent example of an integrate PR campaign would be Apple’s Shot on an iPhone Campaign. Apple cleverly shot and advertised that this campaign was shot entirely on an iPhone, then encouraged fans to share their own films shot on iPhones on social media. You can read more about this innovative campaign here.

These are just a few of the most common areas of PR practice. At South Shore we specialize in many of these areas of public relations. We hope that this article is informative and has shared some of the complexities of public relations practice. No matter the discipline of PR, one goal remains the same, to build, and enhance a loyal relationship with key stakeholders.

What are the Different Types of PR and How Are They Different? Read More »

South Shore PR: A Finalist’s Journey to the 2023 Small Business of the Year Award

This afternoon, February 6, 2024, The Michigan City Chamber of Commerce announced the finalists for its Annual Awards, and among them is South Shore Public Relations, which is making waves in the business community along the South Shore. As the anticipation builds for the Annual Member Dinner on March 15, where winners will be announced, we look closer at what this nomination means for South Shore PR and the journey that brought them to this prestigious position. (You Can read the official announcement here.)

To be named a finalist for the Small Business of the Year Award is a testament to the dedication, hard work, and impact that South Shore PR has had on the Michigan City business landscape beginning in 2023. The acknowledgment from the Chamber of Commerce is not only a validation of their efforts but also a recognition of their exemplary leadership in the field of public relations. When asked about what the nomination means to South Shore PR, Jacqueline replied,

“As the President of South Shore PR, being named a finalist for the Small Business of the Year Award is a humbling honor, highlighting that South Shore PR picked the correct community to call home. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of our thriving business community, and I am passionate about serving as a committed community partner to meet our business community’s evolving needs. This nomination is a shared celebration of our community, and we look forward to continuing our journey as an engaged and dedicated member of the Michigan City business family.”

Jacqueline Thomas – South Shore PR President

South Shore PR has demonstrated resilience and innovation, leaving an indelible mark on Michigan City over the past year. Through strategic communication, creative campaigns, and a commitment to excellence, South Shore PR has not only elevated our own business but has contributed significantly to the growth and vibrancy of the local business community. Jackie Thomas, South Shore PR President, volunteers as a Chamber ambassador at The Michigan City Chamber of Commerce and the Duneland Chamber of Commerce. She also gives back to the community through her work with the Public Relations Society of America, where she sits on the Board of Directors of the Chicago Chapter. Additionally, Jackie is passionate about PR education, and through South Shore PR, she mentors students at the Brian Lamb School of Communication at Purdue and is a registered member of the Commission on Public Relations Education Research.

The recognition as a finalist in the Small Business of the Year category underscores the exemplary leadership displayed by South Shore PR. In a competitive business environment, we have stood out by showcasing qualities such as innovation, community engagement, and a commitment to positively impacting the local economy.

As a finalist for the Small Business of the Year Award, South Shore PR has demonstrated a solid connection to the community. Their involvement in local events, support for charitable causes, and dedication to fostering positive relationships within Michigan City have not gone unnoticed. This nomination serves as a celebration of their community-centric approach to business.

On March 15, 2024, the Stardust Ballroom at the Blue Chip Casino, Hotel, and Spa will be the stage for the Michigan City Chamber’s Annual Member Dinner. South Shore PR, along with the other finalists, will eagerly await the announcement of the winners. The evening promises a blend of celebration, networking, and updates to the membership, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie among Michigan City’s business leaders.

For South Shore PR, the nomination as a finalist for the Small Business of the Year Award is not just an accolade but a recognition of their impact, leadership, and commitment to the Michigan City business community. As they await the results at the Annual Member Dinner, the acknowledgment from the Chamber of Commerce serves as a catalyst for future endeavors and a source of pride for the South Shore PR.

South Shore PR: A Finalist’s Journey to the 2023 Small Business of the Year Award Read More »

South Shore PR President Jacqueline Thomas is Leading the Way in Northwest Indiana’s Business Landscape as a 2024 PNW Woman on the Rise Honoree

South Shore PR President Jacqueline Thomas is Leading the Way in Northwest Indiana’s Business Landscape as a 2024 PNW Woman on the Rise Honoree

In Northwest Indiana’s business community, Jacqueline Thomas, President of South Shore PR, stands out as a beacon of leadership and innovation. Yesterday, Jacqueline was named among the distinguished honorees for the 2024 Northwest Indiana Women on the Rise as the embodiment of the spirit of success and community impact.

The annual Women on the Rise list by the Leadership Institute and the Society of Innovators at Purdue Northwest (PNW) celebrates women who have left an indelible mark on the region through their leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Jacqueline Thomas, at the helm of South Shore PR, has not only earned her place among this esteemed group but has become a trailblazer in Northwest Indiana’s dynamic business community.

“It is truly an honor to be recognized alongside such accomplished and inspiring women in the 2024 Women on the Rise list. This acknowledgment reflects the hard work and dedication that I bring to South Shore PR in serving Northwest Indiana’s vibrant business community. I am proud to contribute to the diverse and robust business community of Northwest Indiana and look forward to continued collaboration and growth.”

Jacqueline Thomas- South Shore PR President

Under Jacqueline’s leadership, South Shore PR has become synonymous with excellence and innovation in the region. Northwest Indiana has not only embraced the services provided by South Shore PR but has recognized the immense value it brings to the community. The company’s commitment to delivering exceptional public relations services has made it a trusted partner for businesses looking to thrive in the local market and beyond.

Jacqueline’s journey as the President of South Shore PR has been marked by a deep commitment to community service. She understands the importance of giving back to the industry, which has been a foundation for her success. Jacqueline’s passion for community service goes beyond the boardroom, as she actively engages in initiatives that contribute to the development of aspiring professionals in the public relations field.

The 2024 Northwest Indiana Women on the Rise list is a testament to the region’s commitment to recognizing and celebrating the achievements of women who are shaping the business landscape. Through her exemplary leadership at South Shore PR, Jacqueline Thomas exemplifies the qualities that this list aims to honor – determination, innovation, and a passion for community development.

The reception scheduled for Thursday, March 21, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. CST at the James B. Dworkin Student Services and Activities Complex on Purdue University Northwest’s branch campus in Westville, Ind., will provide an opportunity for Jacqueline and the other honorees to network and connect with regional leaders, individuals, and organizations contributing to a stronger Northwest Indiana.

As we celebrate the achievements of Jacqueline Thomas and her fellow honorees, it becomes clear that their stories are not just individual triumphs but reflections of the collective success of women in Northwest Indiana. The Women on the Rise list serves as a reminder that when women are empowered and given the platform to lead, they contribute to the growth of businesses and the overall prosperity of the community.

With her dedication, vision, and commitment to community service, Jacqueline Thomas embodies the spirit of leadership that paves the way for a brighter future in Northwest Indiana. As she continues to inspire others, Jacqueline stands as a testament to the fact that success is not just about personal achievement but about the positive impact one can make on the community and industry at large. Cheers to Jacqueline Thomas and all the remarkable women on the 2024 Women on the Rise list for their contributions to Northwest Indiana’s thriving business landscape.

To Read the full announcement, Click Here
To buy Tickets for the event, Click Here

South Shore PR President Jacqueline Thomas is Leading the Way in Northwest Indiana’s Business Landscape as a 2024 PNW Woman on the Rise Honoree Read More »

South Shore PR in Partnership with The Duneland Chamber Offers Members Incredible Opportunity for PR Bootcamp Class Series in March.

Public relations are not nice to have item for your organizations, it’s a necessary and strategic asset that can propel your organization to reach new customers and achieve your business goals. As businesses strive to make their mark in a crowded marketplace, the importance of a well-crafted Public Relations (PR) strategy cannot be overstated. When combined with a marketing plan, the combination will propel your business to new heights. Without a PR strategy, your organization is leaving money on the table and is not making the most of resources.

 That’s where South Shore PR Bootcamp Series in partnership with The Duneland Chamber comes in. Join us in a transformative journey designed to equip organizations of all sizes with the essential knowledge and skills to master the art of PR. Taught by South Shore PR President, Jacqueline Thomas, each Monday morning in March at the Duneland Chamber, you will walk away with the knowledge and know-how to bring excellent PR to your organization.

Unleashing the Power of PR

Why PR? Public Relations is not just about managing crises or getting media coverage; it’s about shaping perceptions, building meaningful connections, and driving business success. Our PR Bootcamp Series is meticulously crafted to demystify the world of PR, making it accessible and actionable for organizations looking to elevate their communication game.

What Makes Our PR Bootcamp Series Unique?

Tailored for All Sizes: Whether you’re a startup, a small business, a non-profit organization or a well-established enterprise, the PR Bootcamp Series is designed to cater to your specific needs. Jacqueline will bring her professional knowledge gain over a career across industries and share valuable insights for each business in attendance. We understand that the challenges and opportunities in PR can vary, and our series addresses them all, providing practical insights that are applicable across industries and organizational scales.

Real-World Insights: This isn’t just theory; it is our goal to give you the tools you need to put what you’re learning into action. Each module is enriched with real-world examples, case studies, and success stories, illustrating how businesses – just like yours – have harnessed the power of PR to achieve remarkable results. The series goes beyond the theoretical framework, offering actionable strategies that you can implement immediately. You will be able to learn in a relaxed and cooperative atmosphere.

Comprehensive Approach: From building a strong brand foundation to navigating media relations, crisis management, social media integration, and more, our PR Bootcamp Series covers every aspect of PR. It’s not just a crash course; it’s a comprehensive guide that empowers you to implement a strategic PR plan, propelling your organization to meet its goals.

Why Your Organization Can’t Afford to Miss This:

Maximize Marketing Dollars: Investing in marketing without a robust PR strategy is like having a powerful engine without wheels. Our series makes the case for why PR is not a luxury but a necessity, showing you how integrating PR into your marketing efforts can amplify your impact and ensure that every dollar spent delivers maximum returns.

Strategic Partner for Growth: Beyond the knowledge gained, our PR Bootcamp Series serves as an introduction to what South Shore PR can offer. We understand the intricacies of PR, and our experienced team is ready to take your organization’s communication strategy to the next level. Consider this series as your gateway to a strategic partnership for sustainable growth and increased visibility for your organization.

Join the PR Revolution!

In a world where effective communication is the linchpin of success, the South Shore PR Bootcamp Series, in partnership with The Duneland Chamber is your key to unlocking the full potential of Public Relations. Elevate your business, connect with your audience, and position your brand for success.

How to sign Up:

Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? This four-week course will take place each Monday morning in March from 8am- 9am at The Duneland Chamber. This course is open to all Duneland Chamber Members. There is a $50 fee that covers the entire course and supplies. Course space is limited, so sign up today.

Please Note: This course is only open to Duneland Chamber Members who are in good standing with the Duneland Chamber of Commerce.

South Shore PR in Partnership with The Duneland Chamber Offers Members Incredible Opportunity for PR Bootcamp Class Series in March. Read More »