
What is Public Relations and What does South Shore PR Do?

I find that this is the most common question I am asked daily, what is PR and how is it different from marketing? Public Relations, or PR for short, is all about carefully managing how a company communicates to different groups of people known as stakeholders. PR professionals ensure everyone sees your company or organization in a good light. Whereas marketing is selling your goods and services to your ideal customer, PR is all about communicating with them so they are receptive to your sales pitch when the time comes. This week we are going to do a series of blog posts on what PR is and look at the different types of PR for your business or organization.

In today’s blog post, we are going to focus on Public Relations. We will discuss what PR is, a basic definition of the types of PR, how PR can benefit your business, and what types. ofPR South Shore PR specializes in.

What is Public Relations?

Public Relations is the practice of managing and improving the communication between an organization or business and its various audiences or stakeholders. These audiences can be both internal, such as board members, and senior management and external. External stakeholders can be customers and or groups you want to gain influence with. The main goals of PR are to shape a positive image and reputation for an organization or business, maintain good relationships with different stakeholder groups, and effectively convey key messages to the public. Below you will find a quick and basic breakdown of what PR does for businesses and organizations and the different types of PR.

What PR Does:

  1. Image and Reputation Management: PR works to create and or enhance a positive perception of the organization and maintain a good reputation within the community and with potential investors, customers, and clients.
  2.  Stakeholder Engagement: PR builds and nurtures relationships with stakeholders like customers, employees, investors, and the community. These relationships are crucial to a business or organization’s success.
  3.  Crisis Management: PR helps manage and respond to crises or problems that can affect the organization’s image. Expert crisis management will be the difference in being able to repair damage vs. losing all trust with key stakeholders.
  4.  Media Relations: PR professionals work with the media to get positive coverage and manage the organization’s public image. PR professionals also help guide crisis coverage for an organization in the media.
  5.  Content Creation: PR professionals create press releases, articles, and social media posts to communicate messages effectively. While there are advances in artificial intelligence that support these endeavors, it is not wise to rely on them solely.

Types of PR:

  1. Media Relations: Focused on managing relationships with journalists and securing positive media coverage for an organization or business.
  2.  Internal PR: Deals with communication within the organization, keeping employees informed and engaged. Internal PR is even more relevant in today’s hybrid environment.
  3.  Crisis PR: Specializes in handling and minimizing the impact of crises on the organization’s reputation. The goal of crisis management is to minimize damage to an organization or business’ reputation thus rebuilding trust with key stakeholder groups.
  4.  Community Relations: Involves building positive relationships with the local community and addressing community concerns.
  5.  Public Affairs: Deals with government regulations, policies, and advocacy on behalf of the organization.
  6.  Event PR: Focuses on planning and managing events that help promote the organization.
  7.  Social Media PR: Manages the organization’s presence on social media platforms and engages with online audiences.

These different types of PR serve various purposes, but they all contribute to building and maintaining a positive public image for the organization.

How Can Your Business or Organization Use PR Help?

Now that we know what public relations is and how it differs from marketing, we can look at the most common ways a PR professional can assist and support and business or organization’s goals. Below you will find a few of the most common types of PR support. South Shore PR specializes in the types of PR listed above and has significant experience in performing the tactics below.

  1. Taking Care of the Company’s or Organization’s Image: A company’s image, or what people think about it, is vitally important. PR experts help make sure that the image stays positive and share good stories about the company. A PR pro can also help guide, mitigate damage, and repair a reputation if there is a crisis.
  2.  Talking to Different People: PR professionals support a business’ ability to talk to different groups, such as customers, employees, investors, and the community. These groups are significantly important for a company’s success, so keeping them well-informed is key.
  3.  Handling Crises: PR professionals who specialize in crisis management can help guide a business or organization through a moment of crisis to help a company keep its good name. The key is to find a PR pro who has significant experience in this area.
  4.  Working with the Media: PR experts have key relationships with media personnel to work closely with newspapers, TV, and other media to get a business’ name out in the spotlight in. a positive way.
  5.  Creating Content: PR is all about writing. to reach the right audience. A PR Professional will be able to write articles, press releases, and social media posts to share the company’s message.
  6.  Planning Events: From launching new products to organizing events, PR agencies can plan and run events that make the company look good. This can be a launch party, grand opening, or press conference.
  7.  Supporting Governmental Affairs: Some companies require the support of a PR professional to help with government rules or policies. An example of this might be speaking to a town council regarding a new building or permit required for a liquor license.

So What Services Does South Shore PR Provide to Northwest Indiana?

South Shore Public Relations is a full-service public relations firm that specializes in integrated marketing and the following areas of public relations. We have extensive experience in the following areas of PR.

  1. Media Relations: From the Today Show to national news outlets, to regional and town press. South Shore PR specializes in media placement for organizations and businesses both big and small.
  2.  Crisis Communication: The businesses and organizations that overcome crisis situations are those that have an experienced crisis management public relations professional on hand and are prepared for crisis. Every business should make a plan in case the worst happens and practice it regularly. South Shore PR has extensive experience in helping some of the largest brands in the world through moments of crisis.
  3.  Social Media: We can help you find your ideal customer and build a roadmap on how to reach them. South Shore PR can even manage your company or organization’s social media accounts for you, taking all of the guesswork out of the equation, and giving you vital time to work on other areas of your business.
  4.  Creating Important Communication Pieces: Writing is a skill that takes years to perfect. At South Shore PR we have written hundreds of press releases, articles, and blog posts for businesses and organizations both big and small. Relying on AI to do this for your business is the surest way to eventually need crisis management support.
  5.  Event Planning: An event is a great way to share a message about your business or organization. We have extensive experience from hosting global parties with celebrities to hosting local markets. When done correctly an event can be an impactful tactic to shed your organization in a great light.
  6.  Reputation Management: A skilled PR pro will keep an eye on what people say about your company or organization online. At South Shore PR we know when to step in and implement tactics to ensure your business’ reputation stays positive. After all, social media is the modern-day town square, so it is wise to have a skilled and trained professional to help you manage this tricky medium.
  7.  Communicating Inside your Company: Communication is key for all stakeholders, including internal stakeholders such as employees, management, and boards. At South Shore PR we have streamlined and simplified complex messaging to ensure your entire team is on the same page. Many tactics can ensure that your message reaches your team and we can help support these goals.

In closing, Public Relations is as vital of a tool as any other area of operation for a business or organization. A trusted PR partner with a portfolio of positive experiences and outcomes can be the make or break of any business or organization. Over the next week, we will be examining the different areas of public relations and how they can relate to your businesses or organization.

If you would like to learn more about the PR possibilities for your business or organization please fill out the contact form below for a free consultation.

Photo Credit: Photo by George Milton:

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What to do When Bad Reviews Happen to Good Business: How to Master your Online Reputation

Last week we shared a series of articles on the importance of online reviews for your business or organization. We also looked at a few practical steps that most businesses and organizations can follow to turn those reviews into increased revenue. Continuing on our topic of online reviews, we want to look at what happens when there is a negative review online for your business or organization. At South Shore Public Relations, we believe that every review, good or bad, presents an opportunity to learn, grow, and demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to properly handle negative online reviews and turn them into positive experiences for both your brand and your customers.

Stay Calm and Professional:

The most important tip when dealing with negative online reviews is to remain calm and professional. It can be tough, devastating and demotivating to see negative comments about your business or organization but it’s essential to respond with composure. Take a deep breath, resist the urge to react emotionally, and remember that your response is a reflection of your brand’s professionalism.

Listen and Understand:

Before crafting your response, take the time to fully understand the customer’s complaint. Read the review carefully, paying attention to specific details and concerns raised. This step is crucial as it demonstrates empathy and shows that you genuinely care about addressing the issue. Ask yourself if there is some validity in what was said. As unpleasant as this moment is, it can be an immense learning experience. Do your homework and ask yourself why the customer left so unhappy with your goods or services? Try your best to detach your own emotions from this process, it is difficult but it will make a significant difference in your response.

Respond Promptly:

Timely responses are critical in online reputation management. Acknowledge the review as soon as possible, ideally within 24 hours. A quick response shows that you’re attentive to customer feedback and are committed to resolving issues promptly. However, if you need time to fully understand what went wrong, do not feel rushed to offer a response. Also it is okay, if you need to calm and organize your thoughts before responding. While 24 hours is ideal to respond, take the time you need to ensure your tone and message meets the needs of the situation.

Apologize and Take Responsibility:

A simple, heartfelt apology can go a long way in diffusing a tense situation. Taking responsibility for the customer’s negative experience, even if it wasn’t entirely your fault, shows accountability and a willingness to make amends. At the end of the day, this customer felt that they were wronged in someway by your business or services.

Offer a Solution:

After apologizing, offer a practical solution to address the problem. Ask the customer how you can make things right or offer to resolve the issue in a way that aligns with your brand’s policies and values. This demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction and can turn a negative experience into a positive one.

Monitor and Learn:

Online reputation management is an ongoing process. Continuously monitor reviews on various platforms and learn from both positive and negative feedback. Use the insights gained to improve your products, services, or personal brand.

Seek Professional Help:

If managing your online reputation becomes overwhelming, consider seeking the assistance of a professional reputation management firm like South Shore Public Relations. We are experts in this field can help develop strategies to mitigate negative reviews and enhance your online image.

In conclusion, negative online reviews are a reality of the digital landscape, but they can be turned into opportunities for growth and improvement. By staying calm, professional, and proactive in addressing customer concerns, you can effectively manage your online reputation and showcase your commitment to customer satisfaction. Remember, it’s not about avoiding negative reviews but about how you handle them, and what you learn from them that truly matters.

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From Good Reviews to Sales: How to Translate Positive Feedback into Business Success

Earlier this week we talked about why good reviews are necessary in today’s marketplace. We also discussed some basic ways to grab those good reviews from your clients or customers. In today’s post we are going to talk about how we turn those positive review from satisfied customers in to business success. Positive reviews boost your online reputation and also have the potential to translate into increased sales and business growth. In todays blog post, we will share a few effective strategies to leverage good reviews and turn them into tangible sales for your business.

Showcase Reviews on Your Website:

If you are not doing this, start doing it, today. One of the most effective ways to convert good reviews into sales is by prominently displaying them on your website. You can create a dedicated testimonials or reviews page where potential customers can see the positive feedback from satisfied customers. Feature specific quotes or excerpts that highlight the key benefits, services provided, or positive experiences customers had with your products or services. This social proof is invaluable in building trust and confidence in your brand. Good reviews also encourage visitors to take the next step towards making a purchase.

Leverage Social Media:

Every business should be on social media, as a way of building trust. Take advantage of your business’ social media platforms to amplify your positive reviews and reach a wider audience. Share positive customer testimonials as posts or create visually appealing graphics featuring quotes from reviews. Encourage followers to engage with these posts by liking, commenting, and sharing. By leveraging the power of social media, you can increase brand visibility, attract new customers, and ultimately drive sales.

Utilize Review Aggregator Websites:

Consider listing your business on popular review aggregator websites such as Yelp, Google My Business, TripAdvisor, or industry-specific platforms. These websites have a large user base actively seeking reviews and recommendations. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on these platforms and respond promptly to any feedback, whether positive or negative. A strong presence on review aggregator websites can significantly influence potential customers’ purchasing decisions, leading to increased sales.

Implement Call-to-Action in Review Responses:

When responding to positive reviews, seize the opportunity to include a call-to-action that directs customers towards making a purchase. For example, thank the reviewer for their feedback and express your desire to serve them again. Then, suggest related products or services that might complement their previous purchase or offer a discount code for their next transaction. By strategically incorporating a call-to-action, you can convert happy customers into repeat buyers.

Use Reviews in Marketing Collateral:

Integrate good reviews into your marketing materials to reinforce the positive image of your business. Incorporate excerpts from reviews in email newsletters, brochures, advertisements, and other promotional materials. Highlight specific benefits or features that previous customers have appreciated. By showcasing these endorsements, you provide social proof to potential customers and create a compelling case for them to choose your business over competitors.

Offer Incentives for Referrals:

Encourage satisfied customers to refer your business to their friends, family, or colleagues by offering incentives. This could be in the form of discounts, loyalty rewards, or exclusive offers. Word-of-mouth recommendations from trusted sources have a significant impact on purchasing decisions. By incentivizing referrals, you tap into the power of your happy customers to generate new leads and drive sales.

Good reviews are not just a pat on the back; they are an invaluable tool to boost sales and drive business growth. By strategically leveraging positive feedback through your website, social media, review aggregator websites, and marketing collateral, you can enhance your online reputation, build customer trust, and convert potential customers into loyal buyers. Remember to actively engage with reviewers, respond promptly, and incorporate calls-to-action to guide customers towards making a purchase. With a proactive approach to translating good reviews into sales, you can unlock the full potential of customer testimonials and propel your business to new heights of success.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Amina Filkins:

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The Art of Gathering Great Business Reviews: Why They Matter and How to Get Them

If your business provides goods or services for purchase, your online reviews are a critical factor in shaping consumer perceptions and driving your business’ success. Positive reviews will build trust, enhance credibility, and attract new customers, while negative reviews can destroy a business quickly. In today’s blog post, we will explore the importance of gathering great business reviews and provide practical tips on how to obtain them. The internet and social media are the town square of the modern age, what is said here matters.

The Power of Social Proof:

Business reviews serve as social proof, validating the quality and reliability of your products or services. When potential customers see positive reviews from satisfied customers, it instills confidence and helps them make informed decisions. Positive reviews act as powerful endorsements, building trust and encouraging others to choose your business. Think back to the last few online purchases you made, did you look at reviews of that product or service before making that purchase? Did the reviews influence your purchase? According to the XM Blog, “91% of 18-34 year olds trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, and 93% of consumers say that online reviews influenced their purchase decisions.”

Enhanced Online Reputation:

We know that consumers use online reviews as a way of legitimizing a product or service. Positive reviews enhance your business’ overall online reputation, making your business stand out from competitors. Reviews influence search engine rankings, making it more likely for your business to appear in search results. A stellar online reputation helps attract more customers and can be a differentiating factor in a crowded marketplace. Think back again to the last time you may have shopped online and looked at different retailers to make your purchase. Where would you be more likely to spend your money? Chances are most people would choose the business with lots of positive reviews.

Word-of-Mouth Amplification:

Positive reviews can amplify word-of-mouth recommendations. When customers share their positive experiences through reviews, they are essentially endorsing your business to their network. This word-of-mouth marketing can have a significant impact, as people trust recommendations from friends, family, and even strangers online. Great reviews can generate a ripple effect, expanding your reach and attracting new customers organically. Aside from general word-of-mouth amplification, this is where reviews by key influencers comes into play. If we’re continuing with the analogy of online being the new town square, think of the social media influencer as the town crier. Their word of mouth will spread quickly, good, or ugly.

Building Customer Trust and Loyalty:

Reviews play a vital role in building customer trust and loyalty. When potential customers see a consistent pattern of positive reviews, they are more likely to trust your business and choose your products or services over competitors. By actively encouraging and responding to reviews, your business demonstrates that you value customer feedback and are committed to providing exceptional experiences. This fosters customer loyalty and encourages repeat business.

Tips for Gathering Great Business Reviews:

Now that we understand the importance of reviews, let’s explore some proven strategies for gathering great reviews:

  • Encourage Reviews: Actively ask your satisfied customers to leave reviews. This can be done through follow-up emails, in-person requests, or by including a call-to-action on your website or invoices.
  • Make It Easy: Provide clear instructions on where and how customers can leave reviews. Simplify the process by directing them to popular review platforms such as Google, Yelp, or industry-specific review sites.
  • Offer Incentives: Consider offering incentives, such as discounts, exclusive offers, or loyalty rewards, to encourage customers to leave reviews. However, be transparent and adhere to ethical guidelines when offering incentives.
  • Respond Promptly: Show appreciation for customer reviews by responding promptly and personally. Thank customers for their feedback, address any concerns or issues raised, and let them know that their opinions matter.
  • Monitor and Learn: Continuously monitor and analyze your reviews to identify patterns, areas for improvement, and opportunities for customer satisfaction. Use feedback to enhance your products, services, and overall customer experience.

Great business reviews are necessary for building trust, enhancing online reputation, and attracting new customers in today’s digital age. By actively gathering positive reviews and responding to all feedback, you can amplify word-of-mouth recommendations, foster customer loyalty, and stand out in a competitive marketplace. Embrace the power of reviews, make it easy for customers to leave feedback, and leverage their insights to continually improve and deliver exceptional experiences. Remember, each positive review is a testament to your business’s success and a stepping stone towards continued growth.

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

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PR Hot Take: The PR Business Solutions AI Can’t Provide

Automated intelligence, or A.I., is a hot topic at the moment, and for good reason, it is revolutionizing the job landscape and our global economy. Right now, a shift is happening in the job market, where this innovation is replacing skilled professionals because some believe this technology solves many issues in today’s workforce. While this may be true in some aspects, I firmly believe that there will, in time, be a reckoning as companies learn what solutions A.I. cannot provide that a skilled human being can and should do for a company.

Despite this shift, I am in support of the use of A.I. when combined with a skilled PR professional. An experienced public relations professional who engages A.I. has the ability to work more efficiently, be more adaptable, and provide more comprehensive solutions for clients and the companies we serve. However, A.I. cannot and should not be any company’s primary solution to communications needs. Not only will there be communication gaps that leave customers confused or disengaged, an AI-only approach has the potential to severely damage a company’s reputation.

Here are the top five things that A.I. cannot do in public relations work:

Knowing Subtleties and Nuances:

A friend and fellow P.R. professional recounted a story to me last week that perfectly illustrates why having a human at the helm of a company’s P.R. efforts is a good idea. My friend was given a news release to distribute on behalf of the company. This release was about a new marketing campaign. The campaign was clever and edgy, but it had one serious flaw, the main topic of the campaign was based on a very sensitive subject. My friend knew that if they’d distributed the release, the potential reputational damage to their company would have been catastrophic.

My friend’s knowledge of the current news cycle and the sensitivity around the topic in the release would not have the company’s intended outcome of communicating their campaign positively. Had the company used A.I. to generate and distribute the release, the potential reputational damage would have been long-lasting and cost the company money. My friend’s knowledge of the news landscape and the subtleties around the issues in the release saved the company. A computer will do as it is told. A human can reason, use common sense, and understand subtleties and nuances where a computer cannot.

Create lasting sentiment:

Public relations aims to create a positive image for a company or person. This positive image creates customer loyalty and increased business. Many A.I. platforms advertise their ability to create brand marketing. But actual brand creation and marketing is about building customer loyalty. I believe it takes a deeper understanding of the particular business, the community and industry the business operates in, and the behavior of its current and ideal customers to thrive. People are complex, and there is no one size fits all solution to creating a long-lasting sentiment that builds brand loyalty. Even the best-planned campaigns can have a hiccup or, worse, accidentally alienate a segment of your customer group. A skilled P.R. and marketing professional will have the foreknowledge to see and avoid these potential issues or be prepared to smooth things over when they’re encountered.

Build dynamic and resilient relationships:

Business is built on relationships, and so is skilled P.R. work. The relationships that this agency has built with our vast press network are something that no computer can imitate. Public relations professionals partner with media outlets, creating long-lasting and resilient relationships. These relationships set a skilled P.R. professional apart from A.I. Early in my career, it was the relationships that I built that saved me a time or two. Over the years, I’ve been able to return the favor to media contacts and in return. In building these relationships, not only do I have a great working relationship, but I know which story to bring to which outlet. Over time, as I’ve built these relationships, I’ve learned the preferences of my media contacts, which ensures excellent coverage that is mutually beneficial to all parties. A computer cannot possess the skills needed to create dynamic working relationships that guarantee quality coverage. Human-to-human conversations, humility, understanding, and support make a genuine working relationship.

Speak to your customers in your voice:

Every business has a voice; it is part of the uniqueness that makes it what it is. Understanding your company’s voice is critical to reaching your desired customer base. One might argue that you can prompt A.I. to create content in your company’s voice. I can honestly say I’ve read some decent examples, but most read like a computer has written them. When a company’s tone, cadence, and language usage change drastically, it can alienate customers. I fear that many companies are learning this vital lesson right now. Most people don’t want to talk to a computer; they want to talk to a person.

There is a content shift happening at the moment where companies are embracing the content put out by A.I. instead of a human author, and suddenly, the social media posts don’t have that same feel. The marketing materials look and sound a little different. This shift in tone and language may be subtle, but your customers will notice. A skilled P.R. professional won’t erase your company’s voice; our job is to enhance it so you can truly speak to your customers.

Fix a Crisis:

A skilled P.R. professional can help you avoid a full-blown P.R. crisis in most cases. A.I. simply does what it is prompted to do and does not have the interpersonal skills or the ability to “read the room” to instruct a company on how to avoid reputational damage. Furthermore, when a company finds itself in the middle of a crisis situation, a P.R. professional has a professional “toolkit” to help repair the damage. This “toolkit” includes learned skills, a deep knowledge of an industry, stakeholder’s needs, and the ability to be agile in the situation. There are complexities and nuances in these moments that I believe a computer will never be able to replicate. I’ve had extensive experience guiding companies through crises and rebuilding reputations. I can honestly say that no two crisis situations are the same; my ability to be agile and listen to the ever-changing needs of stakeholders in those situations has allowed me to be successful.

In Closing:

At this point in time, there are some aspects of P.R. that A.I. cannot do, where a human at the helm is needed. I strongly caution companies from relying solely on A.I. solutions for business communications. Language is complex, and so are humans, and when we rely on machine intelligence, there is a large margin for unintentional error. Warren Buffet famously said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” In the five minutes it would take to have A.I. write and distribute a press release or put out a social media post, blog post, or other business communication without human oversight, I fear that companies are going to learn from Mr. Buffet’s wise words.

Photo by Massimo Botturi on Unsplash

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