
The South Shore PR Guide to Getting Started with Podcasting

Over the past week, we have been sharing tips and things to consider before jumping into the world of podcasting. Podcasting has become one of the most powerful tools for businesses to build connections with their audience, share expertise, and grow their brand. If you’re thinking about starting a podcast but are unsure of where to begin, don’t worry—South Shore PR has you covered! To cap off podcasting week at South Shore PR, we are sharing our beginner’s guide to starting a podcast, which will walk you through the essential steps to launch your very own podcast.

Step 1: Define Your Purpose and Audience

Before diving into the technical aspects of podcasting, it’s crucial to define your podcast’s purpose and identify your target audience. Consider the following:

  • Why are you starting a podcast? Are you trying to educate, entertain, or inspire your audience?
  • Who is your target audience? Think about their interests, challenges, and what value you can offer them through your podcast.
  • What will your podcast focus on? Decide on a central theme or niche that aligns with your business or passion.

Once you have a clear sense of your purpose and audience, you can tailor your content to meet their needs and expectations. Solidifying these three points will, in essence, act as your guide for all of your content going forward. You will want to align all of your messaging and content so it is in agreement with these three points: purpose, audience, and focus.

Step 2: Choose a Podcast Format

Podcasts come in many shapes and sizes, so it’s important to choose a format that works best for you and your audience. Common podcast formats include:

  • Solo Show: One person (you) talks about a topic, shares insights, or gives advice.
  • Interview Show: You interview guests, such as industry experts, influencers, or thought leaders.
  • Co-hosted Show: You team up with a co-host, and together you discuss topics or have casual conversations.
  • Panel Show: A group of people discusses a particular topic, often with multiple viewpoints.
  • Narrative Show: Telling a story or diving deep into a specific topic with research, interviews, and production elements.
  • A Mix of The Above Formats: If you feel your podcast isn’t hitting the right notes with your audience, consider switching up the format a little bit.

Choosing the right format can help set the tone for your podcast and determine the structure of each episode.  The format you choose will also dictate how you record and edit the podcast. Will you all be together in one place? Will everyone be remote? These are important questions to ask before you attempt production.

Step 3: Create a Content Plan

A successful podcast needs consistent, valuable content. Start by planning out your first season, including topics, potential guests, and key points to cover.  We recommend a ‘season’ approach, where you release a series of, say, ten episodes on a weekly basis for ten weeks. This will allow you to analyze listening data and feedback for the next season. Some other helpful tips include:

  • Create an Episode Outline: Outline the structure of each episode—this could include an introduction, main discussion, guest interviews, and a closing segment. These are talking points for you. Pro-tip: Do not read from your outline!
  • Episode Length: Decide how long each episode will be. Most podcasts range from 20 minutes to an hour, but the length should suit your content and audience.
  • Release Schedule: Decide how often you’ll release new episodes (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly). Consistency is key to building an audience.

Our preferred schedule is weekly simply because having any release schedule faster than that will take a significant amount of resources.

Step 4: Select Your Podcast Name and Branding

Your podcast name is one of the first things potential listeners will notice, so make it catchy, memorable, and relevant to your organization. When choosing a name:

  • Make it Easy to Remember: Keep it short and straightforward.
  • Reflect Your Content: Your podcast name should give listeners an idea of what your show is about.
  • Check for Availability: Ensure the name isn’t already taken and that the domain name and social media handles are available.

In addition to your podcast name, design a visually appealing cover art that reflects your brand and the tone of your podcast. This artwork will appear in podcast directories and apps, so it’s worth investing time (or a small budget) to create something professional. If you have an already established brand, then a lot of this work has been done for you already.

Step 5: Get the Right Equipment

While you don’t need an expensive setup to start a podcast, having the right equipment can greatly improve the quality of your episodes. Here’s what we recommend to first-time podcasters:

  • Microphone: A good quality microphone is essential. Popular beginner microphones include the Audio-Technica ATR2100x or the Blue Yeti.
  • Headphones: A decent pair of headphones helps you monitor the audio quality during recording; it also prevents audio feedback from your guests when recording live (your microphone doesn’t hear the guest talking, only you do).
  • Recording Software: There are many options for recording software, such as Audacity, Adobe Audition, Zencastr, and Riverside.fm.
  • Podcast Hosting Platform: A podcast hosting platform is where you’ll upload and distribute your episodes to directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. Popular hosts include Buzzsprout, Libsyn, and Anchor. You can also self-host your own podcast. One thing to keep in mind, though, is that once you settle on a host, you should stick with it for however long you want your podcast to exist as moving your podcast and its feed is a major hassle. If you change and don’t update the ‘feeds’ your podcast will break for all your listeners.
  • Find a Quiet Space to Record: Record in a quiet room to minimize background noise.

Step 6: Record and Edit Your First Episode

Once you’ve gathered your equipment, it’s time to record your first episode. Here are some tips to make sure your recording goes smoothly:

  • Test Your Audio: Do a test recording to check your microphone levels and ensure everything sounds clear.
  • Edit Your Audio: Use editing software to clean up any mistakes, cut out long pauses, and add music or sound effects if needed. Keep the editing light—your podcast should sound natural and authentic. AI tools like Riverside.fm or Descript can help speed up the editing process.
  • Don’t Worry if You Mess Up: It can take a few tries to get the tone and feel of your podcast right. It is better to redo it than to put out a substandard podcast. Give yourself plenty of time before your go-live date to ensure that you are pleased with your first episode or episodes.

Step 7: Publish and Distribute Your Podcast

After you’ve recorded and edited your first episode, it’s time to publish it! Here’s how to do it:

  • Upload to Your Podcast Host: Once your episode is ready (you have the graphics, social media handles, and a link from your website), upload it to your podcast hosting platform.
  • Submit to Podcast Directories: Your podcast host will help you distribute your show to directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. Submitting your podcast to these platforms ensures that potential listeners can easily discover it. Please note that some platforms take longer than others for your podcast to show up. It is a good idea to do this step a few days before your premier date.

Step 8: Promote Your Podcast

Now that your podcast is live, it’s time to promote it to your target audience. Use your business’s social media channels, email newsletters, and website to let your audience know about your new podcast. Some promotional strategies include:

  • Share on Social Media: Post teaser clips, quotes, or behind-the-scenes content from your episodes.
  • Create a Podcast Website: A dedicated website for your podcast can act as a central hub for episodes, show notes, and listener engagement.
  • Collaborate with Guests: If you have guests on your show, encourage them to share the episode with their audience.

Step 9: Monitor Feedback and Adjust

As your podcast grows, listen to your audience’s feedback and look at your download numbers and engagement. Adjust your content or format based on what works best. Continual improvement will help your podcast stay relevant and keep listeners engaged. Just remember your three points at the beginning of this blog post as your guide.

Final Thoughts

Starting a podcast for your organization may seem overwhelming at first, but by following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating a professional and engaging show. Podcasts are a powerful tool to build brand awareness, connect with your audience, and position yourself as an authority in your industry. So, take the plunge and start your podcasting journey today—you won’t regret it!

If you want some help in getting your podcast started, South Shore PR can help. We have over ten years of experience in launching and promoting podcasts. Get in touch!

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Is Podcasting The Right Communications Channel for Your Organization?

Each organization is unique, and so are the audiences they communicate with. It seems that there are more choices to reach out and connect with your organization’s audiences than there have ever been. This amount of choice when it comes to communications channels can make it challenging to choose the right one for your organization’s audiences. Today, we are going to take a deep dive into the world of podcasting to help you decide if podcasting is a good fit for your organization.

1. Build a Deeper Connection with Your Intended Audience

Podcasts provide a unique opportunity to connect with your audience on a personal level. Unlike written content or social media posts, the audio format allows listeners to hear your voice, pick up on your enthusiasm, and engage with your message in a more intimate way. This form of communication can help humanize your brand and foster stronger relationships with your listeners. Over time, regular listeners can become loyal customers who feel a personal connection to your business.

2. Showcase Your Expertise and Thought Leadership

A podcast gives you the perfect platform to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in your industry. By sharing insights, discussing trends, and providing valuable advice, you position your business as a thought leader. Consistently delivering high-quality, informative content will establish credibility and trust with your audience, making them more likely to choose your products or services over competitors.

3. Expand Your Reach and Attract New Audiences

Podcasts have exploded in popularity in recent years, with millions of people tuning in regularly. By starting a podcast, you can tap into this growing audience base and attract potential customers who may not have otherwise encountered your business. Podcasts can also be easily shared across multiple platforms, allowing your content to reach an even wider audience through social media, podcast directories, and even your website.

4. Create Engaging, Long-Form Content

One of the advantages of podcasting is that it allows you to create in-depth, long-form content without overwhelming your audience. While blog posts and social media updates are often limited by length, podcasts give you the freedom to explore topics in detail, interview experts, and have meaningful conversations. This format encourages engagement and keeps listeners coming back for more.

5. Strengthen Your Brand’s Voice

Every brand has a voice, and podcasts offer a way to strengthen and refine that voice. Through regular episodes, you can establish a consistent tone and message that resonates with your audience. Whether your brand is casual and conversational or formal and informative, podcasting provides a platform to reinforce your identity and values.

6. Enhance Your SEO and Website Traffic

Podcasts can also help boost your online presence and drive traffic to your website. By including show notes, transcriptions, and relevant keywords on your website, you can improve your search engine rankings and make it easier for potential customers to find you. Additionally, podcast episodes can be shared on your blog or social media, generating more traffic and engagement.

7. Low Barrier to Entry

Starting a podcast doesn’t require a huge investment or complex equipment. With minimal costs—such as a good-quality microphone and podcast hosting—you can get started fairly easily. There are plenty of resources and tools available to help you produce professional-sounding episodes, making podcasting a cost-effective marketing tool for businesses of all sizes.

8. Opportunities for Networking and Collaboration

Podcasts are an excellent way to build relationships with others in your industry. By inviting guests onto your show—whether they’re industry experts, influencers, or fellow business owners—you can expand your network and open doors to new partnerships. These collaborations can also introduce your podcast (and business) to new audiences, increasing your visibility.

9. Increase Brand Loyalty

A well-executed podcast can create a loyal following. By offering value through your content, listeners will look forward to each new episode. When they associate your brand with useful information, entertainment, or inspiration, they’ll feel more connected and loyal to your business. This can lead to higher customer retention and advocacy.

10. Monetization Potential

While not the primary focus for most businesses, podcasts can eventually become a revenue stream. As your audience grows, you may attract sponsorships or paid partnerships, further enhancing your return on investment. Some businesses even use their podcasts to promote exclusive offers, products, or services to loyal listeners, driving direct sales.

Final Thoughts

Starting a podcast for your business can open up new opportunities for customer engagement, brand-building, and revenue generation. It’s a powerful way to differentiate your business from competitors while offering value to your audience in a format that’s convenient and increasingly popular. Whether you’re a small business or a large company, the benefits of podcasting can provide long-term growth opportunities for your brand.

If you’re ready to take the plunge and start a podcast, now is the perfect time to do so. The right strategy and approach can help you amplify your message, reach new audiences, and grow your business in exciting ways. South Shore PR can help you craft the right podcasting strategy and help you get it off the ground. Get in touch today!

Is Podcasting The Right Communications Channel for Your Organization? Read More »

Welcoming Jonathan Thomas: Our New Chief Digital Officer

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Jonathan Thomas as our new Chief Digital Officer. With over two decades of experience in digital marketing and communications, Jonathan brings a wealth of expertise that will significantly enhance our firm’s digital capabilities and service offerings.

A Proven Track Record

Jonathan’s experience includes supporting Blacknight, Ireland’s largest web host and domain registrar, in their international marketing and communications strategies. His impressive career highlights include:

  • Publishing and managing Anglotopia.net, the world’s largest Anglophile website, which attracts 2 million visitors annually.
  • Developing and executing social media strategies resulting in substantial audience growth across multiple platforms.
  • Demonstrating a keen understanding of data-driven marketing, ensuring that metrics inform strategic communications decisions.

Expanding Our Digital Horizons

As Chief Digital Officer, Jonathan will oversee several key areas of our digital operations:

  • Website Development and Maintenance for clients
  • Leading Hosting Services
  • Podcasting
  • Video Production and Editing

His extensive experience in these high-demand areas will allow us to offer a more comprehensive and strategic approach to our clients’ communication needs. Jon’s expertise will allow South Shore PR to offer multiple services in one agency.

A Multifaceted Professional

Beyond his digital marketing acumen, Jonathan brings additional valuable skills to our team:

  • Published author of multiple British travel guides, showcasing his content creation abilities.
  • Deep understanding of print media in short and long form formats
  • Extensive knowledge of international business practices.

This unique combination of skills positions Jonathan to provide innovative solutions that bridge digital strategy with broader business objectives.

Enhancing Our Client Services

Jonathan’s appointment represents our commitment to staying at the forefront of digital communications. His expertise will enable us to:

  • Develop more sophisticated digital strategies for our clients.
  • Expand our service offerings in emerging digital mediums.
  • Provide data-driven insights to inform and refine communication strategies.

We are confident that Jonathan’s leadership will drive growth and innovation, benefiting both our firm and our valued clients.

A Warm Welcome

We extend a warm welcome to Jonathan Thomas as he joins our team. His addition to our leadership reinforces our commitment to excellence and innovation in the ever-evolving field of public relations and strategic communications.

We look forward to the insights, creativity, and strategic direction Jonathan will bring to our organization and our clients.

Please join us in welcoming Jonathan to the team. He can be reached at jonathan@southshorepr.com for any inquiries related to our expanded digital services.

Welcoming Jonathan Thomas: Our New Chief Digital Officer Read More »