
South Shore PR’s First Anniversary: Celebrating Milestones and Community Impact in the June Newsletter

If you missed our June newsletter send, don’t worry, you can read the June Newsletter from South Shore PR by clicking this link.

You can also sign up to receive our newsletter directly in your inbox by clicking here. Our monthly newsletter is full of PR news you can use, free resources, client spotlights, commonly asked questions and more!

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Email Marketing 101: How to Send an Email Newsletter

Last week, we shared on the South Shore PR blog that we explored why email marketing is now the most important marketing channel your organization can leverage. This week, we want to dive into how to start your own email newsletter. Email marketing is a powerful tool for reaching out to your audience and keeping them updated about your business. Sending an email newsletter requires careful planning and strategy. In this article, we will discuss the nuts and bolts of how to send an email newsletter. In a future post next week, we’ll talk more about email newsletter service providers and whom we recommend if you’re just getting started.

1. Define your newsletter’s objective and target audience

The first step in creating an email newsletter is to define its objective and target audiences. What is the purpose of your newsletter? What do you want your subscribers to do after reading it? Who is your target audience or audiences? Is it the same as your target customer? These questions will help you create relevant and engaging content for your newsletter. For example, if you’re running an e-commerce store, your objective may be to create more sales, so sending regular newsletters is a great way to create sales. Or perhaps you’re a non-profit looking to promote a fundraising campaign. Or maybe you’d simply like to keep your customers updated with what’s going on with your organization. This is the most important first step – what is your newsletter for? Don’t forget to include your internal audience, too!

2. Choose an email service provider

Once you have defined your newsletter’s objective and target audience, the next step is to choose an email service provider. There are many email service providers available in the market, such as Mailerlite, Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Aweber, and Sendinblue (we’ll go into these more below). These tools provide you with the necessary features to create and send email newsletters, such as email templates, subscriber management, and analytics. You cannot simply cut and paste a bunch of emails into your email client and send an email to thousands of people; that’s the first stop on your way to SPAM town. Using an email marketing service ensures the deliverability of your emails. We will go into more detail on providers next week. Stay tuned.

3. Build your subscriber list

Before you can send your newsletter, you need to have subscribers to whom you can send it. You can build your subscriber list by adding a sign-up form on your website or offering an incentive for people to join your list (one of our e-commerce clients offers a 10% off coupon for new sign-ups). It is important to have permission-based email lists. We cannot emphasize enough that you must have permission from a subscriber. It’s enshrined in US law. 

Never buy an email list from a third party to grow your list. Doing this will harm your reputation and lead to spam complaints. Users must opt-in to hear from you (and you must provide a one-click unsubscribe). 

4. Create a newsletter template

Most email service providers offer pre-designed newsletter templates that you can customize to match your brand’s look and feel (and most will link to your e-commerce store to show products). You can also create a custom template from scratch if you have coding and design skills. Make sure your template is mobile-responsive and easy to read on different devices and email clients. Most providers will take care of this for you, and out of the box, most will have a template that you can customize with your logo and colors. 

5. Write compelling content

Your newsletter’s content should be relevant and valuable to your subscribers. Write engaging headlines, use images, and break up your content into small paragraphs. Keep your newsletter concise and include a clear call to action (i.e., buttons to click) to encourage your subscribers to take action.

6. Test and preview your newsletter

Before sending your newsletter, make sure to test and preview it to ensure that it looks and works as intended. Check for spelling and grammar errors, broken links, and image issues. Preview your newsletter on different devices and email clients to ensure that it is mobile-responsive and looks the same across different platforms. Send it to yourself and click every single link to make sure they work. You cannot ‘unsend’ a newsletter, and you cannot fix it after it’s been sent. A newsletter is permanent (and if you make a mistake, it’s a permanent mistake).

7. Schedule and send your newsletter

Once you have tested, tested, and retested, as well as preview your newsletter, it is time to schedule and send it. Choose the best day and time to send your newsletter based on your audience’s behavior and preferences. Most email service providers offer scheduling options to send your newsletter at the right time. They can also usually send it out based on timezone or open rate. A good rule of thumb in the email industry (backed up by data) is that Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursdays are the best days to send, with Wednesday being the best. 

Don’t be intimidated by all these steps; once you do them for the first time, it’s pretty simple to get in the flow of a regular newsletter. If this sounds like too much work – then that’s where South Shore PR can do your email marketing for you. We’ll help you build your list ethically so that it is built for quality and longevity. We are experts at building custom newsletters with custom messaging and creating content for your newsletter from beginning to end. We know which services to use and how to make sure your email doesn’t end up in SPAM folders.  Email is one of our superpowers. Get in touch with us today. 

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South Shore PR in Partnership with The Duneland Chamber Offers Members Incredible Opportunity for PR Bootcamp Class Series in March.

Public relations are not nice to have item for your organizations, it’s a necessary and strategic asset that can propel your organization to reach new customers and achieve your business goals. As businesses strive to make their mark in a crowded marketplace, the importance of a well-crafted Public Relations (PR) strategy cannot be overstated. When combined with a marketing plan, the combination will propel your business to new heights. Without a PR strategy, your organization is leaving money on the table and is not making the most of resources.

 That’s where South Shore PR Bootcamp Series in partnership with The Duneland Chamber comes in. Join us in a transformative journey designed to equip organizations of all sizes with the essential knowledge and skills to master the art of PR. Taught by South Shore PR President, Jacqueline Thomas, each Monday morning in March at the Duneland Chamber, you will walk away with the knowledge and know-how to bring excellent PR to your organization.

Unleashing the Power of PR

Why PR? Public Relations is not just about managing crises or getting media coverage; it’s about shaping perceptions, building meaningful connections, and driving business success. Our PR Bootcamp Series is meticulously crafted to demystify the world of PR, making it accessible and actionable for organizations looking to elevate their communication game.

What Makes Our PR Bootcamp Series Unique?

Tailored for All Sizes: Whether you’re a startup, a small business, a non-profit organization or a well-established enterprise, the PR Bootcamp Series is designed to cater to your specific needs. Jacqueline will bring her professional knowledge gain over a career across industries and share valuable insights for each business in attendance. We understand that the challenges and opportunities in PR can vary, and our series addresses them all, providing practical insights that are applicable across industries and organizational scales.

Real-World Insights: This isn’t just theory; it is our goal to give you the tools you need to put what you’re learning into action. Each module is enriched with real-world examples, case studies, and success stories, illustrating how businesses – just like yours – have harnessed the power of PR to achieve remarkable results. The series goes beyond the theoretical framework, offering actionable strategies that you can implement immediately. You will be able to learn in a relaxed and cooperative atmosphere.

Comprehensive Approach: From building a strong brand foundation to navigating media relations, crisis management, social media integration, and more, our PR Bootcamp Series covers every aspect of PR. It’s not just a crash course; it’s a comprehensive guide that empowers you to implement a strategic PR plan, propelling your organization to meet its goals.

Why Your Organization Can’t Afford to Miss This:

Maximize Marketing Dollars: Investing in marketing without a robust PR strategy is like having a powerful engine without wheels. Our series makes the case for why PR is not a luxury but a necessity, showing you how integrating PR into your marketing efforts can amplify your impact and ensure that every dollar spent delivers maximum returns.

Strategic Partner for Growth: Beyond the knowledge gained, our PR Bootcamp Series serves as an introduction to what South Shore PR can offer. We understand the intricacies of PR, and our experienced team is ready to take your organization’s communication strategy to the next level. Consider this series as your gateway to a strategic partnership for sustainable growth and increased visibility for your organization.

Join the PR Revolution!

In a world where effective communication is the linchpin of success, the South Shore PR Bootcamp Series, in partnership with The Duneland Chamber is your key to unlocking the full potential of Public Relations. Elevate your business, connect with your audience, and position your brand for success.

How to sign Up:

Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? This four-week course will take place each Monday morning in March from 8am- 9am at The Duneland Chamber. This course is open to all Duneland Chamber Members. There is a $50 fee that covers the entire course and supplies. Course space is limited, so sign up today.

Please Note: This course is only open to Duneland Chamber Members who are in good standing with the Duneland Chamber of Commerce.

South Shore PR in Partnership with The Duneland Chamber Offers Members Incredible Opportunity for PR Bootcamp Class Series in March. Read More »

How to Start a Business Newsletter: A Comprehensive Guide

A well-crafted newsletter allows you to share valuable content, provide updates, and promote your products or services directly to your subscribers. For most starting a newsletter, there is little to no cost to begin sending a newsletter to your customers in a regular cadence. In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps of starting a business newsletter that captivates your audience and helps you achieve your marketing goals.

  1. Define Your Newsletter Goals: Before diving into the technical aspects of creating a newsletter, it’s crucial to define your goals. Are you aiming to increase sales, drive website traffic, build brand recognition, nurture customer relationships, or establish thought leadership? Clearly identifying your objectives will shape the content, frequency, and overall strategy of your newsletter.
  2. Choose an Email Marketing Platform: Selecting a reliable email marketing platform is essential for managing and sending your newsletters. Popular options include Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and Hubspot. While we do not directly endorse any one company, MailChimp seems to be the most user friendly. No matter which platform you chose, consider factors such as ease of use, automation capabilities, customizable templates, and pricing when choosing the platform that best fits your business needs.
  3. Build Your Subscriber List: Growing a subscriber list is key to the success of your newsletter. Start by capturing email addresses on your website through prominent sign-up forms or pop-ups. Offer incentives such as exclusive content, discounts, or free resources to encourage visitors to subscribe. Leverage social media platforms and other marketing channels to promote your newsletter and drive sign-ups. This list will be one of the most significant asset your business will ever own.
  4. Craft Compelling Content: The content you share in your newsletter should provide value to your subscribers and align with their interests. Create a mix of educational articles, industry news, product updates, customer success stories, and promotional offers. Use a conversational tone, keep paragraphs concise, and include visuals to make your content engaging and easily consumable. Tell a story, people do not want to feel that they’re reading a giant advertisement.
  5. Design an Eye-Catching Template: Designing an attractive and consistent template for your newsletter is essential. Most email marketing platforms offer customizable templates or drag-and-drop editors that make it easy to create visually appealing newsletters. Incorporate your brand elements, such as your logo, colors, and fonts, to ensure a cohesive look that aligns with your overall brand identity. If you aren’t sure how to do this, please consider reaching out to South Shore PR for assistance.
  6. Optimize for Mobile Devices: With the majority of people accessing emails on mobile devices, it’s crucial to optimize your newsletter for mobile viewing. Ensure that your design is responsive, text is legible, and buttons are easily clickable on smaller screens. Test your newsletter on various devices and email clients to ensure a seamless user experience.
  7. Plan a Consistent Schedule: Consistency is key when it comes to newsletters. Determine the frequency of your newsletters based on your content availability and audience preferences. Whether it’s weekly, biweekly, or monthly, stick to a regular schedule to establish expectations with your subscribers. Avoid overloading their inboxes or being inconsistent with your sending frequency.
  8. Analyze and Improve: Regularly analyze the performance of your newsletter to gauge its effectiveness. Pay attention to metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement. Experiment with different subject lines, content formats, and calls-to-action to optimize your newsletter for better results.

Starting a business newsletter is the most effective way to connect directly with your audience, foster customer relationships, and drive business growth. By following these steps – defining goals, choosing an email marketing platform, building a subscriber list, crafting compelling content, designing an attractive template, optimizing for mobile, planning a consistent schedule, and analyzing performance – you can create a successful newsletter that engages and delights your subscribers. Remember, a well-executed newsletter is a valuable asset for your business, allowing you to stay top-of-mind with your audience and nurture them into loyal customers.

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Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

How to Start a Business Newsletter: A Comprehensive Guide Read More »